When scouting you not only want to look for signs of coyotes such as tracks and scat; you also want to study the lay of the land. Being familiar with the area you plan to hunt will save you plenty of time, possibly allowing you several set up options depending on things like wind direction and natural barriers.
Use satellite technology such as Google Earth and pre-plan setups in the areas that have coyotes this will save time when you revisit the area to hunt.
One of the best activities for you to do in the spring and summer is seek permission for land access. This is the best time to start talking to land owners for permission to hunt coyotes.
You can even have business cards prepared and give these out to landowners letting them know that you are a coyote hunter and how you can be contacted.
You should talk to the people who deliver rural mail and school bus drivers along with moose or small game hunters.
Late summer is a good time to get the howler out and visit the areas that you have received permission to hunt. This time of year is when you can get the parents or the pups to fire off with some yips and howls. All you need to do this is your favorite howler and a good knowledge of some basic coyote vocals.
I think the most important note in here is to talk to the land owners for permission. This is one thing that most people over look, just because its a field in the middle of the woods dont mean you have the right to drive right through it to access the spot you want to hunt. With the growing concerns over the coyotes if you go to the farmers and ask permission to hunt there land and treat it with respect im sure it would not be a problem.