A local environmental lawyer filed an application today to try to quash Environment Minister Perry Trimper's decision to release Grieg's proposed salmon aquaculture project in Placentia Bay from public environmental review.
In a release sent out this morning, Owen Myers says he has filed an application in his own name, arguing that releasing the project without full scientific review and public hearings is contrary to the province's Environmental Protection Act and Environmental Assessment Regulations.
Norwegian-based Grieg is proposing to import 7-million genetically-modified pressure treated salmon eggs from Iceland. The company claims the triploid process renders the salmon sterile.
Myers calls it an unproved technology as the company says the first commercial trial of triploids is currently underway with reports on performance due this year.
He is also concerned with plans to use lumpfish to combat sea lice infestation.
He says the usual way to combat sea lice says Myers is the use of toxic chemicals, an issued that his says is not addressed in Grieg's proposal, approved by Trimper.
Myers is asking the court to strike down the minister's decision and order full public hearings where serious deficiencies can be subject to full scientific and public scrutiny before approval is granted.