I would stay away from the Mossberg because i had that and wrote the book on how bad they can be. Stoeger never heard much about it. But all my guns but for one are remingtion and i had no trouble with there guns. I just got a H & R Auto Excell and that is 2 & 3/4 and 3" I put a good few rounds down it now and all is good. Hope this helps. Just remember that just because it's cheap it don't mean that it will work every time you pull that trigger.
When it comes to semi-autos not wanting to spend a lot of money usually means trouble. UNlike pump guns which for little money you can get a reliable gun to last a lifetime. The same is not true for semi-autos. Of the 3 guns mentioned the most trouble has to be with the 11-87 from my experience. I had 2 buddies who never got a year out of them , sent them back and got the SX3. THe 935 is hit or miss they are either good working guns or complete lemons. THe stoeger 3500 is a new gun so i cant comment but i do have the same gun in 3 inch and i did not have any trouble with it. That being said I don't use it a lot only turr hunting. I have a browning silver and a beretta that i use mainly. If I were going to purchase a cheaper auto i would personally go with the Bakali. THats my take for what its worth
Thanks guys for the information. I actually looked at a Baikal MP-153 and was quite impressed, priced good, $650 for black synthetic. I researched it online and found this on youtube, www.youtube.com/watch?v=qt1QV3DFUrQ
Would you try this with your gun???
I have a Baikal MP 153. I purchased it just for waterfowl hunting. I watched the video you have listed, that was impressive, if true. I did a lot of research online and everything was good, most people raved about the semi auto. The MP 153 is sold out as soon as it is available in the gun shops in the US. I have not had any trouble with mine. This is my third season with it. I don't use it a lot and I only fire 3.5" shells and it works flawless every time.
Thanks Peter fo the info. I actually purchased a Baikal MP 153 yesterday, But santa said I'm not allowed to have it till christmas. Got a good price on the camo one. It do seem like it's a great gun according to the reviews. I think this is the first year since 2008 that they have been available in Canada. Wondering if you have tried firing lighter loads while it is adjusted for heavy loads? And if they jamed?
Wondering if you have tried firing lighter loads while it is adjusted for heavy loads? And if they jamed?
I did on one ocasion. I found sometimes it ejected perfect, sometimes it would only half eject. Now at that time the gun was not broke in. The manufacture recommends using 100 rounds of heavy loads to brake it in. I have not tried it since, I first purchased it.
Shane, I don't think you will be dissapointed!!!!!
Hey peter i got the baikal mp 153 same as yours and shane and i fire skeet loads all day long ive put alot through mine this season and i havent had a jam yet and havent changed the adjustment for 3.5s or 2.75s it all fires the gun is a tank and just keeps going haha.
I think once Shane's gun is broke in, it should fire everything just like your Baikal does.
I'm sure it will be great, Just hope to get a couple of trips at the eiders so I can really test it out. Won't take long to get a 100 rounds through it!!!
Finally got to use the new Baikal mp-153 yesterday, would have to say it's a great gun. Fired close to 100 rounds so far with no jams, once it didn' t load a shell, but that was late in the day and it was after taking a lot of salt water. Would recomend it to anyone buying a semi and not wanting to spend a lot.
Great Gun!!!
one thing many people fail to do with their new guns , esp,,,,semi-autos ,is to strip it down and degrease ,to get rid of the packing grease \oil,,, ,thats put on to keep it from rusting before it"s sold,,,and light coat of gun oil after.
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Kenmount Road Business Park
Mount Pearl, NL A1N 0A4
Tel: (709) 782-3200
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