According to the reports in the Telegram, Terra Nova and Gros Mourne are introducing a hunt or cull of moose within the boundaries of the parks. This intiative is being implemented due to the over population of moose in the parks. According to officials, moose are over browsing the parks and are changing the environment. The main species being affected by the moose is Balsam fir. Officials plan to consult residents and the general public prior to being the hunt/cull. Residents have indicated that whether officials choose a hunt or cull, the meat must not be wasted. Keep your eyes on this story, and try to voice your opinion when these meetings are held!

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But is balsam fir our native forest? I know white pine forest used to be native here and they are almost totally gone, did anyone say that destroyed particular species? no! we just harvested it until there was only a handful of small stands scattered here and there. When did we begin to care about trees?  When abitibi was harvesting all over? The Parks also represent artificial biomes, that have been artificially left to "be natural". With no predators to keep a population in check, of course your going to see a population explosion. what hunts moose on the island, beside humans (bears or coyotes maybe, but not to a great extent). with no hunting in the parks "we" have allowed this "over population" (if one exists) and now our great strategy is to slaughter 80%? Does this make sense?

Everyone is saying that moose aren't native, neither is the snowshoe hare, ruffed grouse, mink, etc but they have established a thriving population over decades of existing here. That is like saying that a immigrant isn't a Newfoundlander (or Canadian) after spending a lifetime here! Moose have contributed to our diet, our economy, and our culture. Now, after all the new roads and increase construction into once wild areas, we are all surprised to see moose walking in areas we never saw them before. Have we not contributed to habitat loss and force an ever increasing conflict with moose? OF course we have! I think we all have to really see what impact we are having on Moose too! I would like to see up to date data on moose population densities prior to any cull. Because, I have a very scary feeling we would all be surprised at the real number! We have just seen a collapse of one of the Largest free ranging herds of caribou, it seems, overnight (no one had a clue) are we really ready to see that happen with our moose population?

Let's back up a minute and really discuss the merits of what is being purposed here. What studies have shown is that moose are over browsing in the both parks and that they are changing the once balsam fir forest in to a black spruce forest. But, we have to ask when was the science conducted? Has the population increased or decreased since then? are there alternatives to a cull? What will be done with the culled meat? what are the cons of a cull? what are the pros? What is the effect of a forest change?

These are just a few of the many questions that must be answered before any action should be taken. Likewise, are moose really that big of a problem to humans as is being portrayed? (not to take away from people that have been injured) But, what are the factors behind moose vehicle collisions? is speed? inattention? or an over population? All of these questions have emotional responses, but we must not confuse emotions with fact! If there is an over abundance in moose, and there is a need to reduce numbers, is there other means then an 80% cull?

We as sportsmen/women, and as citizens of this province must be a part of these decisions. I think many people would benefit from seeing the numbers and science behind the decisions to have a cull. because if we go a head with a cull of this magnitude and we are wrong, the moose population will be in the same boat as the caribou!

That is why I think there should be a voice of reason and logic for us out there, and just not accept everything we hear on the news and from politicians! Just my two cents worth on the subject!


Guys this can't be true!!!!!!We as hunters and not moose haters have sat around and listen to this nippered feller way toooooooo long.It's all because of this person that has put the blame on moose for killing people on our highways,How many people have been killed in Gros Mourne?? Maybe all of our crazy drivers need to take a drive up to the very end of the GREAT NORTHERN PEN.I think they are the ones that needs to be culled!!!!

   Someones gotta do something!!!

Does anyone know what they plan on doing with the carcasses???
Hey guys got some inside news concerning this, this isn't correct,but yes there will be a hunt in Gros Morne,but no where near the 4000 mark.
I think we as a organizede group need to confront government and demand answers.  we need to be involved in the decision making as to what happens, and be advocates for the moose. 



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