Due to hunters hunting on the side of the road and not getting there moose in the 2010-2011 season gave some area's low percent rates, with a high volume of moose. That gave the area's BIG cut's to Moose Quotas. Ex.. Area 31 Had 700 lic gave out and only 55% of the moose were taken. Lic in that area got cut by -300 out of the 630 cut's. Last year for all that season hunter's were driving up and down the highway like fly's looking for there moose. At the end of the season it got worse on the highway with hunter's in a mad rush STILL looking for there moose that they never got first or last.
Moose hunting is good day in the WOOD'S if you don't get out of your truck chances are you will not see a moose.
Good points there Ken
The 2011/2012 I hunted ares 31 ( the only area i moose hunt in ) with our group license and a buddy who had a license ( both license were ether flavor ), we got ours on news years eve and my buddy did not fill his tags, it was not do to driving the roads we walked and covered a lot of country. The moose are just not there. I do 90% of my trapping in 31 and i never seen the moose sign that i usually do in past years. I agree with you Ken that you have to get out of the truck to increase your odds but the moose are just not there in 31 any way.
I also hunt in area 31 and i have to disagree with no moose being there. They are in my home town running up and down the road. My buddy and i were in that area last year and conted 12 in the one spot. He picked out what he wanted and took it home. Uncle goes to work at long Harbour and see's 15-20 moose every morning. I think that on the east end of long Harbour towards your home town, i think that the smelter might have a little to do with it. Moose on our side are not getting to your side due to the blocking of building and big trucks in the area. I still think that the population is still good.
The area i hunt is between Chapel Arm and Old Shop that is farther a way from the long Harbor site than you are so i don't think that is the reason.Don't the roads from the site go right to ship harbor,
As i said it only may have a little to do with the lack of moose out your way. Yes the road do go to my home town. That don't make it any better.
The RCMP should be doing more to stop road hunting. They are a danger to the public. Driving slow & refusing to pull over completely forcing drivers to go arount them, even on turns. They have no respect for drivers & even less for fellow hunters. This is one example of how hunters get a bad name.
I think that you are right, alot of hunter's that use the main roads for hunting should be banded. If you want to call that hunting???
i expect for every road hunter there is 10 or 12 hunters actually hunting, im sure it is not all the road hunters fault, there are people with camp jobs or can not get the time off to even get in the woods that hold a license , maby there is not many moose. anyways Kenneth by the sounds of your last couple of discussions i do not think you are very fond of the pavement pounders
By it's not that i am not fond of pavement pounders (lol) but how do people get there moose by looking that way??
If people don't have the time to fill there tag's and they know it then why apply?? A good friend of mine last year never filled his tags because he did't want to go into the wood to get his moose. He said that he not leaving the road. I had told him of the area where there were several moose and he didn't care. He sent his tags back in and said he never see not one moose LOL. So i guess alot of people did the same.
Hi Ken,we had hunted quiet a few places last season,not Area 31 but St.John's area.Moose are not as plentiful as they say.We spent a lot of time in the woods,and even the sign of moose was not as plentiful as years before.Seems as if they just vanish by the Fall!Maybe there are just too many hunters in one small area to sustain the population that is "Supposed" to be there....just a thought....I'm no expert by any means,but if the signs aren't there...must mean moose aren't as plentiful as everyone is saying....
True Gerry alot of places do have a big decline in the moose population. But you see alot more hunter's hunting the road in small town's than you do on the main TCH. I know that last year a good few people did not get there moose. But when you hear on the radio in the morning that there where moose sighting all over makes you wounder.
Yes....for sure Ken.....whats going on I wonder???
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