Beginning in 2015, Government will implement a Moose Reduction
Zone (MRZ) Project to measure the effects of directed
moose hunting and adaptive moose management strategies that
could potentially address Moose Vehicle Collisions (MVCs) on our
highways. The purpose of the project is to utilize targeted moose
hunting to address the incidence of moose vehicle collisions. The
project will be evaluated to ascertain the effectiveness of this
method on the rate of moose vehicle collisions.
The project will be implemented in two locations: one on the
Avalon and the second in Central Newfoundland. Each MRZ is a
unique and separate moose management area (MMA) that is a
maximum 6 kilometres wide - running 3 km from the shoulder of
each side of the roadway (See map below). These areas were selected
based on the reported rates of MVCs as determined by the
Department of Transportation and Works. Atotal quota of 500 either
sex licences has been allocated for these MRZs that eligible resident
big game hunters may apply for as part the 2015 annual big
game licence draw; 300 licences are available for the Avalon MRZ
(MMA 100) and 200 licences for the Central MRZ (MMA 101).
Please see table on page 24.
An earlier rifle season opening is being implemented in the
MRZs for MRZ licence holders. The Avalon MRZ will open Sept.
19, 2015 and close Jan. 31, 2016. MRZ licence holders may hunt
during that season and within this MRZ with either rifle or bow. The
Central MRZ will open Aug. 29, 2015 and close Dec. 27, 2015. Licence
holders may hunt during that season and within this MMA
with either rifle or bow. There is no additional pre-season bow hunting
in either MRZ for MRZ licence holders.
Hunters who hold a licence for an adjacent MMAthat overlaps
a MRZ will still be permitted to hunt within that portion of the MRZ
that is within their management area boundary, and during the season
permitted on their traditional MMA licence. For example, persons
holding a licence for MMA 15 may hunt within that portion of
the Central MRZ (MMA 101) that overlaps with MMA 15 during the
dates prescribed on their MMA 15 licence. In this example, bow
hunting is permitted for MMA 15 licence holders within the overlap
area effective Aug. 29, and rifle hunting is permitted for MMA 15
licence holders within the overlap area effective Sept. 12.
In addition to the implementation of the MRZ Project, the
Provincial Government has also increased the total number of
moose licences by 875 throughout other Moose ManagementAreas
(MMAs) on the Avalon Peninsula. This is specifically designed to
reduce moose populations in MMA’s that are adjacent to the TransCanada
Highway. These increases recognize the potential forMVCs that can occur in heavily populated areas of the province and
where traffic volumes are the greatest.
The MRZ project will engage wildlife biologists, technical and
enforcement officials in a scientific assessment to determine the
effectiveness of roadside moose removal through hunting and the
relationship between the number of moose present and rates of
MVC’s that occur during the project. Activities will include;
• Conductingmonitoring of hunting activities for compliance and safety
• Conducting pre and post project moose population surveys within
the MRZ’s
• Monitoring MVC rates
• Recording hunter kill locations
• Monitoring traffic volume
Each year hundreds of MVCs occur on highways that cause
vehicle damage, personal injuries and fatalities. The results of this
MRZ Project will be used to analyze its effectiveness in utilizing
hunting as an effective mitigation in MVC issues. As a hunter, your
cooperation in this project is very important and we appreciate your
participation. While this project is intended to reduce moose populations
in the MRZs, it is especially important that hunters travelling
along any section of highway or roadway in search of moose recognize
that exiting traffic and hunter safety laws must be observed
at all times.
Hunters who are successful in receiving a licence through the
draw in a MRZ will be provided with a package of additional information.
This package will outline essential details concerning
moose hunting in the MRZs and how to report their activities as part
of their participation in the project.

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I fail to see how this will accomplish anything another day dream by both the government and the few that want to destroy what we have. For one when did they hold these consultations I didn't see it well advertised.

Sad day for our province. Great day for lazy road hunters. The beginning of the end of the moose population as we know it.

This will solve nothing, do the government think moose don't travel?? It's funny how hunters never got a say in this. It's all bad enough that we have hunter's driving up and down the road making it dangerous for drivers and hunters alike. This will not help the cause at all. Trying to make it look good for Peta.

Here is a petition to help our moose population.

Click on the Link

Hello All,

I'm not sure what this is trying to fix but it sounds dangerous.. someone is gonna get shot and loose there life over this..more cars parked on highway, poor hunters firing off guns near highway..doesn't sound good..

I think creating the management areas are good but why don't they use hunters or wildlife to enter these areas weekly and start tagging more moose with collars.

By letting hunters kill more moose in these areas is just hurting the populations of this great animal which we need here on the island.

These are obviously migratory routes which they have selected and there will always be moose traveling through these areas.

Come on government tag and collar the moose so they can be tracked it is the only way to know true amount of animals and also when they travel.

I think the government is doing this to try and gain votes. I think the PC members would jump into a manure pit head first to get elected.

Peter, I agree this government is capable of just about anything to stay in power. That being said I have the firm belief they don't have a mandate to govern, the province as a whole didn't elect Mr Davis as Premier and as soon as he took the job as leader of the progressive conservative party, I think an election should have been called.  As for the changes to our mma areas, I am in shock, I live in mma 34, the moose population here is the lowest level I have seen it in 30 years, I was hoping for a reduction in license's for this area, and surrounding areas not an increase. The moose population in this area is in the grave, they just filled in the hole. I have two boys one nine the other seven, the way it is heading, I don't think either will get to go on a Moose hunt of their own, in this area and be successful in the future. I hope I am wrong.

30000 people have seen the Save our Moose Petition on Facebook yet only 414 have signed.`so out of 30000 people only 400 are hunters that care about our wildlife. If this was the Seals the entire World would be here trying to save them. MAKES ME SICK TO MY GUT!!!

Hey Peter its on Facebook one of the guys I know has shared the link hopefully that will get it going don't give up guy's sign up join the fight or we will have nothing left our hunting area we hunt is getting fewer animals.

Online petitions are great for feel good initiatives, but for a petition to be presented in the HoA it must be a hard copy that follows the clerk's accepted format. Your MHA's staff should be able to provide you with the required information. In some cases even the paper size can be of concern. To be given due consideration you need copies in every sporting goods store, hardware store, convenience store, etc...that sells hunting permits, ammo, guns, etc....for fellow hunters and concerned members of the public to sign. 

Once properly formatted a PDF copy should be posted online with printing and mailing instructions. It  is perfectly fine to have just a single signature on a page. You'd need someone to accept these mail-ins and collate them for presentation. Local rod & Gun clubs make for logical allies to post the formatted petition PDF on their website and to distribute to their local businesses and membership and ideally collected completed petition signature sheets for return to whomever is coordinating the petition drive. Social media, of course, is the ideal platform from which to promote and inform the public and media of the initiative.

I do wish to do that, Sean. However first I'd like to ensure enough people actually care. So far the support is not there to save our moose heard from a cull. It is a lot of work to set up with no support from the hunting community.
Over 41000 people have seen the link to petition on Facebook only 635 have signed it. That's the kind of support the outdoor community has for our moose heard.
Be assured there will be loud out cries when they are gone. SHE GONE BY'S SHE'S GONE!



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