Hello there Gang, My name is John Ross from Truro ns and am an avid outdoors person but I enjoy Hunting and Fishin the best. I'm into Re-Loading (shotgun and rifle) all popular rifle calibers and 12ga and 20ga, it's great getting game with loads you loaded yourself. Bow-Hunting has been my latest Love and I'm into it up to my eyeballs, been doing that now for 4 or 5 years and have had some great luck. Tying flys and salmon fishin in the spring and summer, no better way to pass the time till huntin season comes around again. Presently live in NS, but my Heritage is in the Pilleys Island part of Nfld. The wife and I have lots of very good friends from the Trinity Bay area and we visit back and forth often, but not often enough for me lololo
I'm also into Music and play the Guitar, Mandolin, and Bass and love havin a good kitchen racket at our house as often as possible, might even enjoy a few cool ones. Well I have been know to tip a few lololo.
When it comes to Rifle Hunting I presently use either my 308 Browning bdl or my 30-06 remington 700 but most days now when I'm huntin it's with the Bow. I use a Mathews Z7 at 29 in draw length and at 60lb pull with Carbon Express Maxima Hunter 350 arrows. I have a HHA OL5500 single pin sight and a Rip-cord rest (no whisker bisket for me) and shoot pretty well all large game with the G5 Montec Broad-Heads or I find the Hellrazors great as well another one I like is the Muzzy all 100gr. OOOPPS just noticed I'm gettin a little too long winded here sorry.
Just want to say it's great being able to take part in such a nice open Hunting site like this
Hi fellow hunters/fisherpersons/and overall sportspeople.
David Janes just found the site and figured I would join and see what I can learn.
I have enjoyed the art of hunting, trapping,and fishing since I shot my first ducks and snared my first rabbits at age 12 that was 43 years ago and the thrill of hunting has never left me. My favorite is big game, moose and not as much now days the Caribou although getting very scarce are still hunted by some. I have hunted big game every year since 1979 when I got my first moose license it's either moose or bear nowdays but our group has a license every year and I get a couple of quarters. My wife is my partner and my best hunting buddy she is my assistant when we get a moose or caribou down and we don't have to speak she knows every move to make without talking about it. Also the rest of our crew are as good my brother and his wife and son they all know what to do. We have 5 people in our group and we get a license every year.
I plan to hunt the coyote as soon as I get my new rifle up and running. I used to hunt ducks and geese years ago but the old body is not as good as it used to be and I only shoot them with a camera nowdays but you duck hunters can still give her with my blessing.
I still snare a few rabbits for the pot and I get a few trips a year hunting with my buddy and his dog that's fun.
I am also a gun nut and own or have owned thousands over the years and I can still hold my own on the range with rifle, shotgun and especially pistol although I don't shoot in competitions any more.
Hey guys,
cool site!
I live in St. John's, moved to Newfoundland 5 years ago, ive passed on my moose license every year so far but i think this year is the year I am going to get myself my first Newfoundland moose, this site looks like the perfect place to do some research. I look forward to speaking with you guys.
If we can help you out we will.
I live in St. John's and hunt big and small game, also like to trout fish. I've had beagles for many years now and like to watch them work in the woods.
I read about this site in the Telegram.
Hi Everyone! Looks like a great site here, lots of info and new things to learn!!!
My name is Jane and
< this here dog is Ruger!
my name is Fred Buck and i live in Ontario,by sister and her husband took early retiement and moved to Ferryland 18 months ago. i have been out four times now,as a matter of fact just last week. looking forward to hunting waterfowl next year there. was at Quidi Vidi Pond last week and saw pintails ,greater and lesser scaup,mallards and blacks.saw this site in the paper and an article on Quidi,so checked both out.looking forward to pics and articles. i have been a waterfowler since i was 10,i also hunt deer and turkeys.
Cheers Fred
Hi my name is Phil O'Neil and I live in St. John's. I am an avid angler and hunter of ptarmigan, rabbits, ducks and moose and also write articles for the Newfoundland Sportsman Magazine. I try and get outdoors as often as I can. I have three dogs, two beagles and an English Setter. Look forward to chatting with some of the members on this site.
Glad to have a local site to join.
Getting back into the sport after a long absence. I have purchased several new firearms, joined the rod & gun club and started reloading. Having a lot of fun and getting ready to retire. My next move is pistol competition, probably IDPA. I take my restricted course in May and have picked out my first pistol. The word is that at least two indoor ranges are opening up in St. John's this year.
The wife thinks I am having a second childhood and she is right. I also RV and trouting is on for this summer. As soon as the weather improves I will be out flicking the trout flies and feeding the black flies.
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Kenmount Road Business Park
Mount Pearl, NL A1N 0A4
Tel: (709) 782-3200
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