Like many I have been thinking of having a go at coyotes. The only think I have hunted which involved the selling of a pelt were seals but I'm thinking the level of processioning involved in seal pelt preparation is different than coyote if you want to sell to an auction agent which leads me to my question.
I see that you can submit the coyote carcass to wildlife and get $25 which I'm guessing includes the pelt. I have also read that auction agents will take pelts for a 11% commission. Coyote furs are going for, on average, $65 at auction depending on quality leaving the hunter/trapper with roughly $58. If my assumptions above are correct is the only disadvantage to dealing with an auction agent the need to process the fur before sale, ie. skinning, fleshing and drying?
After doing some more reading $65 seems to be a bit steep. Obviously it depends on the year and how much demand there is for that particular species pelts. Seems it can range from $35 up to $65.
Your right Mike it can very from year to year. The time of year as well. This time of year the fur isn't of good quality, these are probably only worth $20 give or take. Obviously as well, and animals shot, will be of a little less value than those trapped.
As for the $25 you get from wildlife for your carcass, this does not include the fur, so your making $25 from every coyote kill, plus whatever you get for your furs.