Please tell me I'm not the only one who thinks this coyote thing is being blown out of proportion!!

I am all up for an organized and planned coyote hunt, or any hunt for that matter!! I think a carefully and thoughtfully planned hunt makes the experience more enjoyable!! The anticipation for my own big game hunt this fall is on my mind 24-7! lol I absolutely love hunting and fishing, especially when I can get someone to go with me!! After all, I would have never learned if someone hadn't of taken me when I was a kid! And I guarantee if we seen a coyote back then we wouldn't have ran away from it.

Seriously though, I am getting a little freaked out hearing about people shooting coyotes in areas that aren't specified hunting areas and in areas where people walk. I worry more about stray bullets than coyotes lately!

How are we supposed to be safe if there are people who have never hunted in their entire life out shooting everything that they think looks like a coyote? I am talking about the people who seen a coyote on the news and went to their basement to haul out an old gun that belonged to their dad or pop and now keeps it by the back door incase they see something move in their back yard. People who are so freaked out by an animal that's lived right under our noses for years without a problem that they almost pass out thinking about them!!

This is just a rant to get these thoughts off of my mind and are just my personal opinions, they may sound crazy, but I really am beginning to worry about the level of fear this coyote hype is giving the non hunting public. And hunting public as well. I really don't think it's necessary.

Would you want someone shooting in your backyard? Where your kids play? Oh I forgot! Kids aren't allowed to play in the alder beds anymore, they may get eaten by a coyote!!!

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 No because people need to know what these coyote's can do when you meet one alone. It's wild. Educatating people is the best way to stay safe. Moose are everywhere to and you hear alot about them,like slow down, take caution while driving at night. This is the same thing. Before the coyote is was moose. Yes i would not have my child out playing around where there are coyote's beening spoted. Just my 2 cents.
Sorry but I have to agree with Kenneth on this one. I wouldn't have my kids playing anywhere near the woods right now...thinks hard enough of them going in the backyard without me. If a candy came home with a warning label choaking hazard...they wouldn't be allowed to have that either. I really don't think its a hype...I think it is means of survival. I would agree if there had not been people attacked and even killed in the past. I have heard MANY stories in my area of pack sightings. If either one of my 3 kids ran into a pack of coyotes (dogs or anything else for that matter) I don't think they would stand much survival chance. That is why I constantly preach to them what to do. It has almost become the same routine as "watch the cars" or "don't play near the street". I do not agree with bullets flying everywhere in public areas....that is dangerous. However, if a coyote were hanging around my yard and my kids were not out there I would be delighted for someone to take it out. Its not worth the risk of my children or pets getting hurt. I have no trust in coyotes even if they are alone....and I have no pity for them. I am an animal lover....there are just some animals I wish did not even exist. I wouldn't want to sit there when it was too late saying "I wish I had educated my kids" or "I wish I didn't have to let my kids go off alone"....In fact I was totally blown away when my girls had a friend over the other day, on their way to go outside and play I asked what they would do if they seen a coyote....this little girl said "run". At this point with the booming population I think it should be something constantly talked about in school. Every little child (even adults) need to know what to do. I just hope that the pack problem don't get any worse...although I can see that happening once the pups surface from their den.
People hunt responsible, that is hunter's with a license to hunt coyote's or any other game. I think that you are miss leading on where people are hunting to. I have never heard anyone hunting in parks, trails or in a commuity. I do think that for someone who is pouching may do something like that because they have nothing to loose. Myself for ex.. I have a car,bike,licence,camo clothing, gun, coyote caller's,why would i risk all that to go hunting where i am not suppose to and lose the works. I have spent to much money to have it taken away. If there are people hunting in none hunting area's i would report them to give yourself a peace of mind. Hope this help's.
I have to agree with Robin on this one. The coyote hype is gone way to far, by obsessing over them the way the general public and media are its inducing way to much fear. Yes we have to hunt them to try and keep densities down but they are here to stay and the numbers are going to grow. If PEI could not get rid of them then we do not stand a chance. I think people need to calm down and take a breath, got no other choice but to learn to live with them. Don't here to much about the hundreds of 300lb black bears that wildlife catches in peoples back yards across the island or the dozen polar bear that come in off the ice on the north east coast and in the straights every year. All i got to say is good job we don't have mountain lion and grizzly bears that chew people up for fun we would need to live in bunkers and all have .50 cals in our 5 cents!!!!!!
Nicholas I totally agree that they are here to stay. I also think it is good to have some sort of fear put out there. If you google coyote attacks the stories are absolutely horrifying. I know not everyone who comes in contact with a coyote is going to end up harmed....however, with no fear you will end up with idiots who  try to play with them, feed them etc. There is a risk involved and I think it is very important for people to be made aware of that. With anything strange, new or unknown there will always be some sort of "hype".....I hear lots about the bears...especially in the summer time when people are camping etc. Where I am from I have never heard of a bear in someones backyard...however, if one was in mine I would panic and cause "hype" over that as well. I am certainly happy we don't have worse animals here but I do believe hunting coyotes and creating fear in them from humans is a fabulous thing. I HOPE people do use better judgement and not go firing up neighborhoods, parks, camping sites etc..

How many coyotes are home up on Big Mesh Nick? We've been seeing and hearing them home for years and nobody has ever worried about them until now. I've seen and walked right by them up on the line in Frederickton!

There have only been 2 deaths in Canada because of them and how many by other animals?? A lot more than 2!!


I think it's a dangerous world then people think they are justified in shooting in a non hunting zone. And it's happening everywhere, including here in the Placentia area!! 


Bring on the coyote hunting technique education and safely planned trips, I can't wait to get a call and a some gear for hunting in the bogs at home, but don't justify hunting in areas that are meant for public enjoyment. A walking stick is good enough to keep safe from dogs if you're outside, but it won't save you from getting shot!! And I agree that children should be educated, but not taught to be as fearful of them as to not go outside to play or walk in their own neighbourhoods.

2 deaths in Canada is 2 many for me, there have been many attacks. Your right there are a lot more by other animals...but the other animals are not a new thing and have been preached to children for years since they are old enough to go out and play. If Joe Blow down the street had a big vicious dog my kids would also be made aware of that. They are told not to pet strange dogs and stay away from them. I am TOTALLY agreeing about not shooting in non-hunting zones unless of course an immediate threat. In the cases where there is no immediate threat wildlife should be willing come remove the coyote from your yard or wherever. I have not heard of anyone gone gun happy around here...but that don't mean its not happening.  I have not heard of any children being afraid to walk or play outside...just stay out of the woods, watch your surroundings and told what to do if they come in contact. I have it bet to death with my kids and yet they still go outside and play. How many times do we tell our children to "look both ways before you cross the street"? I don't see how preaching to them about their safety when it comes to coyotes being any different. Children need some sort of fear or you will get the odd brave child who tries to play with the big cute doggy (coyote).  Coyotes are more likely to attack children or SMALL adults then any other I think teaching children about them and giving them a little fear is necessary. Not to the point where they need nerve pills to function but to the point it sticks in their head to stay away. An awful lot of these coyotes looks like big dogs. If you don't teach them the differences then how will they know?
Out of all of these comment's the worst is "the person who left the washing machine on your walking path" People have some respect for other's. That make's me sick.

I had meant to correct that remark but figured I wouldn't fuel the fire! lol Treat them as you would any wild animal, with respect and lots of space!!

If people on here are aware that people are shooting at coyotes out around their houses and their communities...why not just report them? Obviously IF that is going on then it is and should be a major concern but coming on here venting about it is not going to help the person put in harms way due to a stray bullet. Talking about it with no action behind it is doing nothing but giving people who hunt responsibly a bad name. Gerald I also believe that it is an "irrational action" for people to see or know that it is going on and not doing anything about it. In the Hunters safety course it clearly states that any hunter that sees illegal activity being done by another hunter is required to report such activity. I would rather make one bad friend then see someone get seriously hurt or killed...wouldn't sit pretty on the conscious of the person who knows it is going on. Just sayin......



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