To all who have these rifles please be advised of the recall on T3 Stainless rifles with serial numbers starting with 419140 and going to 461951.I was about to buy a Tikka with the serial number 435081 and the Stoeger rep told me my rifle was fine and safe to shoot.Although he would not give me any guarantee especially when the serial number fell within the list he provided. Hows that for PR work on the buying public ? The Sako rifles are affected too as they use the same barrel manufacturer. If you have one of the rifles with those serial numbers you are urged to call Beretta USA at 1 800 636-3420. In Canada call Stoeger they are the Canadian importers for Tikka and Sako rifles at 1800 263 1945. The rifles in question have barrels made from sub standard steel and are subject to rupture.If you call don't let the sales rep tell you the rifles are fine, they are walking the company line on this one.Stoeger Canada said they are sending letters to all who bought these rifles.What about if the rifle has been sold a few times?Look up the story about the Sako that blew up in Victoria BC , Canada and you will see that it was one of these rifles in question.Of course they made it out to be the shooters fault by saying he overloaded the rifle but in reality he was using factory ammo that resulted in the blown up rifle.

 Courtesy of Greybeard Outdoors. 


Finnish gun manufacturer recalls faulty hunting weapons

American man injured when Sako rifle explodes

Finnish gun manufacturer recalls faulty hunting weapons
Finnish gun manufacturer recalls faulty hunting weapons
Finnish gun manufacturer recalls faulty hunting weapons
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The Finnish hunting rifle manufacturer Sako has recalled nearly 3,000 of its guns with a potential defect that could cause it to break apart when fired. In October,  Mark Almeida, a 45-year-old American living in University Place, Washington, suffered injuries to his hand when his new Sako 300 Winchester Short Mag Finnlight model rifle exploded while he was shooting at a firing range.
      "The target was 200 yards away when I pulled the trigger. The gun let out a powerful explosive sound that I had never heard before, and it broke up in my hands", he explains. He was rushed to hospital with four broken bones in his hand. He was in surgery for four hours.
      After the incident, Sako ordered a recall of its series of 2,700 weapons.
      Sako CEO Henry Paasikivi says that a total of six guns are known to have malfunctioned in the same way - one of them in Finland. In one case, a Swedish boy lost the tip of his thumb.
      The barrels would break up lengthwise into several fragments, and in some cases, other parts of the gun also broke. The problem was attributed to a weakness in the stainless steel used in the manufacture. Guns of the series in question were sold to several countries, from the United States to New Zealand, before the defect was noticed.
      All buyers have been notified, and most of the guns have been returned to the factory for repairs or replacement, except for a few in the United States.
The faulty rifles were manufactured at the company's factory in Riihimäki last year. They include Sako and Tikka models.
      When the problems arose, Sako immediately discontinued production and deliveries of the models, and began to recall them from retailers, and contacted individual buyers.
      However, the company did not make any public statements at the time. "We did not consider that necessary, because we were able to reach all owners of the weapons in other ways", he said.
      "We have got all of the guns back, except in the United States, and 90 percent of the weapons we sold there have been located. All consumers have been contacted a long time ago."
      Paasikivi says that the weapons will be repaired, if necessary, and sent back to the owners.

Helsingin Sanomat






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Peter, is this the same recall from 2004? I have purchased a Sako 270 WSM from a collector who is also a dealer, he never fired it and was totally unaware of the recall until I told him. Of course I had already purchased it before I found out about the recall. My rifle falls within the serial numbers mentioned. I am currently trying to contact Peter who is the technican at Stoeger who apparently is the only one who can tell you anything about it. I was thinking about buying a new Tikka but maybe I will have to think that over. Their costumer service needs abit of work. Well fingers crossed hoping my rifle isnt affected and I am pretty sure they will tell me it is not, from other articles I have read online.

If it falls within the serial numbers, I do believe it is recalled. Good Luck!!

Hey Peter, I read a few different articles in groups online and 3-4 of them said that they fell inside the listed numbers but were told that theirs wasn't affected. Doesn't make sense, does it???? Peter the tech at Stoeger is off until Friday. I hope this process doesnt take too long. I have a bear hunt planned for the fall and want my rifle, well I guess we will see.

You would think when you buy the top notch gear, you would not have to put up with this bull. Just goes to show, they try to make it as cheaply as possible and still want the big bucks because of the name.
Hey Peter, I was talking to Peter the tech with Stoeger and he guaranteed me that they have captured any gun in Canada that was affected, even though mine fell within the serial numbers its not affected. I asked him if he could give me something in writing stating that. Of course he said they don't do that. I guess I have to trust he is telling the truth.
Good Luck!!



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