Trans Canada Trail moves to ban ATVs from future trails.

Trans Canada Trail officials say it will no longer give its money or brand to new sections of trail across the country where summer motorized vehicles like ATVs or dirt bikes are allowed.

The organization dedicated to building a national trail system has locked the gate against all-terrain vehicles.

New guidelines starting April 1, 2011 will promote “greenways” trails meant for non-motorized use during the summer like hiking, walking or cycling and cross-country skiing and snowmobiling in winter.

Trails allowing ATVs that were already registered as part of the Trans Canada Trail system before the end of 2009 — to be called “yellow” trails — won’t be stripped of the brand but will only receive funding from the national group for upgrades to become a greenways trail, for signage or for what’s known as pinch points like a bridge to solve connection problems.

“We would not fund, for instance, maintenance or the surfacing of the trail,” Hoskin said.

Snowmobiles are embraced by Trans Canada Trail because they ride on a blanket of snow and don’t degrade the surface, he said.

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I can't see anyone wanting to come to the province to walk across the trail. However I can see atv tourists wanting to ride across our great province.

Then walk in the woods or over the barrens  or any place you choose since you are walking and do not require a trail.What if you are handicapped with a bad back or bad hips of which I have both and cannot walk long distances .Am I  supposed to sit back and not be able to enjoy the same quality of life as those who are still young and healthy? Is the beautiful scenery that these trails have available to those who travel them to be kept from me because I rely on the ACCURSED QUAD. And even if  I am young and healthy and prefer to ride rather than walk,shouldn't I and anyone else have the God given right to do so

     Listen people and understand it is not about a MACHINE, it's about  people and a quality of life for all.Isn't this more important then what machine is allowed on which trail, or who it might interfere with.

     We are all a part of the same group,that is," those who love the outdoors", and I feel that none of us should be forced to live without it because of the selfish views of one other .     




Gerald & Albert,


I have to agree with both you and Albert, not to say I agree totally with either. My perspective is a bit unique, in that I have used atv's but like you I do not own one. I agree, there are just many simple pleasures from walking along the trails in country. The smells and sounds, that maybe missed by moving fast (and by this I do not mean speeding). However, There is something that has to be said for the beauty and comfort of a day of riding through the trails on your atv and going from community to community and seeing the splenders along the way.

However, my main point must be this...That as long as we (outdoors people) sit and argue between each other, nothing is accomplished. One trail lost to an atv rider is the same and a forest being cut off to the hunter. We should be actively supporting each other in any struggle for rights. United we stand, Divided we fall!!



Gerald& Ed,

    I agree with both of you,however, when I speak about the "same" quality of life I refer to the different things we all do, as long as we don't break any laws.As we are all aware no matter" what " we do there is always someone coming up with some excuse as to why we shouldn't be allowed to do it.I walked in the woods for almost 60  years, and still do,to a certain extent,and I still love it" except for the pain".When you make a negative comment such as  ATVs are 100 times more destructive than boots ,it tends to give ammunition to the" fanatics " who never seem to run out of it .Therefore ,we must always be careful what we say. Today it is one trail,tomorrow ,a dozen ,we all know how it works.When I saw the negative way in which these posts were going I wanted to bring your attention to it,which is why my comments were strong, and I must say, it certainly worked.

  When I say " lets work it out" I refer to all outdoor lovers and in this respect we all have to consider each other.What this refers to is exactly this" United we stand,Divided we fall".

    By the way you can usually pick up an ATV ,used, pretty cheep but be warned they are extremely addictive.


  Thanks for the link Gerald,it was while browsing this site that I came across the Kinghorn Rail Corridor article.

  This brought to my attention the direction of the TCT. system right across this country.This, however, does not fit my interpretation of the " Canadian Spirit", and in this respect it is seriously flawed.

   I am waiting to hear a [REASONABLE} response from the TCTO. to my letter.If it is an excuse and not a reason I will be responding with both barrels "so to speak."

  I am one of those "on this site" who will speak for the rights of ATV. users whenever and where ever I see them being @#&# on "you may  fill in  your own word or words here.

  ATV users are here to stay and we, also, have rights, and I intend to bring this to the attention of those who try to take them from us.



   I would like to take this opportunity to thank Ed, for this site and the opportunity to speak about  the many outdoor things  ,which many of us love to do. "and speak I will" both here and abroad".


Kinghorn Rail Corridor

    Upon reading an article concerning the proposed "Kinghorn Rail Corridor" I am pleased to see recreational activities promoted in such a positive manner.However I am confused by the term "Multi Use Trail" when ,obviously, a very significant number of outdoor enthusiasts have been omitted from it's use.
    I refer to ATV users who make up a very large number of outdoor lovers , that are being completely ignored,in this proposed trail.Are there no ATV owners using that stretch of abandoned rail bed now,and if there are, what will become of them? Are they to be told we are taking it from you to give to someone else, with no regard for them.It is my understanding that these trails are to benefit all Canadians,or do you take it upon yourselves to "discriminate" against those whom you decide should be "segregated" from society,though they are {Law Abiding} citizens.
    ATV users have been tarnished with a stigma that they do not deserve,because of the irresponsible actions of a few. It is a clear case of a "mountain being hidden under a pebble".
    It has not escaped my attention that Snowmobilers are being included in these plans and I have to ask,are there no "pebbles" in that group, who ride irresponsibly, Certainly not; that would defy human nature.I am in no way putting down snowmobiles,I have used them myself,and have enjoyed them very much, but  I have to wonder, when the attention is taken away from ATVers because there are none on the trails ,and the attention  falls on snowmobilers"THE MOUNTAIN", they also will be hidden under the pebble,as "ATVers are now".I wonder will you still look upon them favourably,and  include them in these trail plans or will they be ignored, as you have chosen to do with ATV users.
   I hope to hear a reasonable response from you soon,concerning this "Segregation".I will be forwarding  a copy of this response to "NEWFOUNDLAND& LABRADOR WATERFOWLERS"
and any other group, "whom I feel may have an interest" in this misrepresantation of the "CANADIAN SPIRIT".

                                                  SINCERESY YOURS,
                                                 ALBERT LINEGAR
                                " member "  NEWFOUNDLAND & LABRADOR WATERFOWLERS ASS.



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