My brother has 2 dogs that has enlarged hearts. They also were out of breath and hacking because of the large hearts he was told by the VET. So for two years he stopped running them and retired them. Spending About $300.00 a month in MEDS just to keep the dogs alive, the pills were to thin out the blood and make the heart pump better, SO HE THOUGH .After talking to a another hunter who had rabbit dogs all his life says that all beagles have large hearts due to needing a lot of air due to the amount of running they do. The hacking he said was LUNG WORM. So went back to the vet and told him what he was told and behold it was ALL TRUE. Spent $7200.00 in 2 years at the vet for dogs that didn't need the meds. He was not very happy with the vet. It seems that 20 pills will clean up the worms and they are done. The worms comes from outside from eating grass,snalis,dog poo and will make them sick. It was a wounder that he never lost the dogs even though of putting them down they were so bad, just thought they were dieing. When the worms fills up the lung the dog will smother, so you can see after 2 years of worms laying eggs in the lung how full the lungs were with worms, it's amazing they are still alive. So my point is make sure you ask around if you are having trouble with your dogs, it don't hurt. The dogs will be back in the woods this fall coming and the brother changed to a new VET.
I agree with you fred. Da brother got the first dogs here in newfoundland and they were great dogs. But now he gets his dogs from branko and these dogs shows there blood lines and outstanding dog champions. Great difference in dogs. You know you have good dogs when it comes with a warranty.
you have to do your home work, too often you hear people talk about thier purebreds but purebred is meaningless if theres a genetic flaw in the bloodline.
Branko dogs have been around a long time,( im thinking 30 years ?) if i remember they are Manitoba bred dogs, with a long history of breeding fine hounds.Theres a big difference in a reputable breeder and back yard breeders. Most breeders have a type for which they are breeding and they know what they are looking for in a breeding.
Back yard breeder tend to breed a litter or two from a dog they have and like, they typically bred to another dog maybe a friends male. Usually there is little research done as to what would make a good mating. Thats not to say the pups won't be good dogs, but without a plan over a longer period the gene pool will dry up. also most back yard breeders can't follow up on a breeding to get an accurate determination as to how it worked.
There are a lot of great dogs bred here, but a lot of dogs have health issues, thats due largely to insufficient history to see health issues come to the surface.
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Mount Pearl, NL A1N 0A4
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