So has everyone seen the new budget and the cuts that have been made??

What are your thoughts regarding the wildlife dept/Dept of NR??   

I feel that with these cuts poaching may become bigger problem. I know many groups have spoken out against this, for example some salmon groups and advocates have expressed concern regarding salmon stocks. 

It has affected me personally as I'm sure it has affected many of us in this way. Two years of working my butt off had finally paid off when I got an interview for my dream job! Four days before my interview I received an email saying it was postponed as there was and is a hiring freeze now put in place. I suspect this will remain in affect for quite some time.

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wow to ed and all who as ed said put there money were thier mouth is so let really push this as for 5 or 20 it not a big deal i think what they need is more members to have any kind of voice if there is anything I can do or help with feel free to ask

ya lets get it on the go

   I have a membership ledger that has plenty of room for more names. It is there that the power lies. As Ed has said ,it is our money that is talking now, but it is our mouths that we want to get going, and already there are  many  officials who are aware that we are on our way. Without members , however ,our efforts are in vain.


Well said

I think one thing is very clear in this budget. You are going to be getting less and less for free.

At some point economic reality will set in. While I dont support all the cuts, I realize that where you  stand depends on where you sit.

But if you read the budget ( I did) . Here is what we can take away, Government takes in 6.2 Billion in Revenue. Of course they can increase taxes.   I dont believe they found that last Billion, however the HST adjustment is real, just imagine if they had to cut another billion.They cut 600 Million.

We have 8 Billion in expenses to run this provinces.

If you listen to open line and the news.

The health care system was in shambles before the budget,  the education system was no better. Non of the ferries are fit,people dont want to bus students over an hour, all the Government Unions need raises. We are servicing 8 billion in debt at historic low interest times.And it goes on and on.

So on to wildlife, there will be no change in direction we are headed with wildlife cuts.Wildlife Officers have very little impact on poaching, only a very small percentage of poachers are deterred by wildlife presence. We didnt have enough before to make a difference anyway. Speaking from my experience and I think I spend as much time hunting as most. It my 40 plus years of hunting I have never been checked for a small game license.And moose, we all know the goal is to reduce numbers drastically, so whether they get poached or shot by licensed hunters doesnt matter from a Government policy perspective.Sad but true. Caribou have been in decline for years. We grumble about the natives in Labrador shooting thier declining numbers. But I have yet to see and hunters/outfitters calling for a ban here.

Going forward, short term oil prices will remain flat, any increase in revenue to Government will be directed to Education, Health primarily, infrastructure, paying down long term debt.

I think of it as running my house, Im going to have $80,000 a year in bills and I am going to make $62,000. I know what I am going to do, cut the bills. 

As for the Federation. There has to be a fee. There is zero credibility without it. I would consider joining if there is a fee. Without one I am not. If people are serious they put their money where their mouth is.

You get what you pay for.! As hunters and fishermen we are no different.

After reading everyone's post regarding the federation, I am considering more and more to join for a cause. There are many people out there who opinions and great ones at that so in reality why not join and speak out against what you believe in. Sometimes all it takes is the ears of that one person to hear what you have to say and to believe in you to get the ball rolling.


Good point there Fred.

Fred you have many great points here.

Getting less and less for free is not really a concern of mine if I know my money is going to good use. I also do not support the wildlife cuts but what I cant understand is why doesnt the government see that we need wildlife officials, herd management plans, education seminar's and so on to protect our wildlife, educate our hunters and the people of our province.


I agree, Wildlife officers do have a very little impact on poaching and yes only a very small percentage are deterred by them but isnt that better than nothing?? Like most things on this earth, we do not realize its importance until its gone. So like the caribou heards that are facing extinction they will have to be down to deathly low numbers before anything is done or completly extinct.

definately, without a doubt. But its probably going to be a while in this political environment before wildlife gets any real focus by government. And I believe they are playing a game of numbers.

If you look at big game, I dont think Government is too much against a reduction in numbers, especially moose.Just check out your moose application return and success rates for hunting. Even though they are down, despite having lengthened seasons. So essentially moose is just a question of how many animals we "need". 

I believe you would be surprised at how low that number would be if you did a poll of all the residents of Newfoundland.A LOT would tell you that if it saved one life we dont need any. Hunter dont care as long as the licenses keep coming. So essentially from a biology stand point it doesnt matter. So if I poach it, or you kill it on a license.From a wildlife management standpoint there is no difference.And you and I kill one, well thats one less for the cars to hit.

  All this reminds me of the story of the goose   " outdoor people " that laid the golden eggs. Problem was that , who ever was in charge of the money  "gov " the golden eggs brought in was mismanaged . Instead of buying food  for the goose to insure that the golden eggs kept coming , it was allocated elsewhere. The end result is obvious . Hunting / Fishing , and all outdoor activities {  and I won't get into all the " SPIN - OFF  revenue that comes from it }  IMHO are self sustaining . If  the interest of these outdoor people dies because of the things  we are seeing now  such as  " WILDLIFE  LOSS / HABITAT  LOSS " and  on it goes , how  will those vast revenues  be restored.   {Higher Taxes  Perhaps}.  I believe there is a very serious problem on the horizon , whether gov . sees it coming or not ,and needs to be dealt with  sooner rather than later.   THE GOOSE MUST BE FED.


Your dead on but your thinking much further ahead than politicians do. A lifetime to them is 2015



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