If coyotes are near your home: Never leave edible garbage or pet food outside. Limit use of birdseed, and pick up fallen fruit around your property. Keep pets indoors, or under supervision when outside. Roaming or unattended pets are an easy target for coyotes. Have pets spayed or neutered to avoid attracting coyotes. Never attempt to tame a coyote by feeding it. If you are having a problem with coyotes near your home, contact a local Conservation Officeror other authori coyote approaches you Stop, remain calm and assess your situation. • Never approach or crowd a coyote — give it an escape route. • If the coyote seems unaware of you, move away quietly when it is not looking in your direction. • If the coyote is aware of you, respond aggressively: wave your arms, shout, and maintain eye contact. Carry a whistle and blow it to startle the animal. • Throw rocks, sticks or other objects at the coyote. It’s a good idea to carry a walking stick with you for protection if necessary. • If the coyote continues to approach, back away slowly and move toward buildings or human activity. Do not turn away or run. This will encourage the coyote to chase you. • If the coyote attacks you, fight back. For more information, or to report a coyote sighting, please contact: Tony Cooney Coyote Administrator Newfoundland & Labrador Waterfowlers