I think you should be aloud to kill coyotes with what ever you want.
whats the diffrence between a 22.250 and a high powerd rifel. the coyotes still dead ?
also the goverment says there doing damage but we KNOW they are doing damage, if they know this why cant we kill them year round and why do we have to use a gun that most people probley dont own and have to purchase ?
What Do You Think !
Brendan, This should be a good debate, here's my 2 cents... During any open hunting season you are allowed to shoot coyotes with what ever you are carrying, weather it be a .22 rim fire or a high powered rifle even a shot gun with a shot size of #2 or bigger. I would be safe to say that the main reason for not using high powered rifles is poaching, not to say that you can't kill a moose with a 22-250, 223 etc. Not every one ownes a coyote gun to say, but those who intend to hunt them will buy one, fairly cheep ones out there. Allowing people to carry high powered rifles almost all year would only contribute to the decline in some of our wildlife populations, not all hunters are honest hunters. Some hunters are interested in pelts, using a small calibular gun mininuizes damage. If I didn't own a .223 I would buy the Remingtom .17 fireball, small powerful bullet and has no damage to coyotes or fox.
hey shane just wondering what site you got the balistic data chart on the internet ,looking too get the DOPE -''Data- On- Previous-Engagements ,on my Rem 700 vrt .223cal/5.56mm ,been wanting todo it for awhile just havent gotten around too finding a decent spot /and time todo it..
Shane has it right. Unfortunately once again we bear the burden of those who chose to hunt illegally. To add to the pot I dont think coyote season should opened before waterfowl.The #2 shot rule has become a reason for people to begin waterfowling before season opens.Which is already 3 weeks too early.
Personally I would love to use my 243 for coyotes I can reload to minimize pelt damage.But if we do allow larger calibers for coyotes, people will be hunting/slaughtering moose with a bus load of buddies with coyote licenses in back pocket all toting 300 win mags.
The hunters cant win....
Francis, Francis, Francis
Always remember
Its easier to get forgiveness than permission............... ;)
^haha i understand what you guys are saying but i mean what if your out rabbit hunting or duck hunting and a coyote comes along
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