Just wondering how many of you out there actually use a shotgun for Coyote hunting? i just bought my first gun today and i bought a Mossberg maverick 88 12G. I bought this for a few reasons, one was versatility in i can use it for coyote, waterfowl, and just for going up to the range a having a bit of fun shooting skeet and other targets.I've never been coyote or waterfowl hunting and i'm going to be doing both in the near future but i'm just curious on what it is like using a shotgun for Coyotes cause thats what i am more interested in doing. i notice alot of people on here using rifles and it seems to be the gun of choice so any advice on using a shotgun would be greatly appreciated.


Cheers. Phil

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First of all the Mavrick is a great all round shotgun, It fires 2.75" & 3" shells. I think most people like to use a rifle for coyotes because they are very hard to get close to for a shot with a shotgun. However don't let that deter you because some of our members have shot coyotes as close as 30 yards. Whatever you hunt, remember the shot load is very important. Good Luck!!

Peter is right, alot of times you can get one in close. When it do happen you can't see the coyote in the scope so a shotgun is the ideal think to have by your side. Just remeber that you are not aloud to have two gun's uncased and loaded at the same time in newfoundland. The Mavrick was a great choice and is an all around gun. I had one and put about 3000 rounds down the tube, My dad has that gun know and never had no trouble with it. Good luck on this years hunt.

Thanks guys, i've looked into the gun more and talked to few other people and they say the same thing, great gun especially for the price and will last as long as i want it to so long as i take care of it. Can't wait to get out and get my first hunt in for the year. first thing to do is get a chance to get out and put a few shells through it and get familiar with it.

hi just wanted to let you know yes you can use a shot gun for coyote's i use buck shot # 00 it's good in wooded areas

in open areas a rifle it best to use 223 or a 22-250 with a good scope


also i use the under taker choke tupe it's more then full you can pick up at any gun shop i also use a good coyote caller

a rabbit decoy is also a really good thing to have has well if you have any questions feel free to asked happy hunting coyotes

Thanks for the extra info Jason. i actually picked up some #2 shells when i bought the gun, but you're the third person to mention the #00 to me so i imagine i'll be picking some up as well. As far as everything else goes i'm starting to get everything i need like a good caller and other gear. But in the meantime the main thing i need is experience. like Learning what i need to be doing and how to go about hunting Coyotes, i've never done it before so i'm hoping i can tag along with someone who knows what they're doing and wouldn't mind teaching a newbie.


When Predator hunting with a partner its a great idea to have one hunter with a shotgun and the other with a rifle, when coyotes respond to the call they usually bore in fast to try to be the first one there to gobble up the distressed prey and rarely stop long enough to get the crosshairs on them, you can sometimes stop stop them with a bark but once they get your scent its game over all you will see is the south end of a north bound coyote going about Mach1.

The better round to use is #004 Buck the 3 inch magnum have 41 pellets and the 2 3/4 have 27 pellets in a semi auto or pump action 12 gauge shot gun would be bad medicine on anything out to 50 yards.

Hope this helps, Good luck on them Wileys. 



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