Been hunting coyotes since they first appeared on the island and I caught one in one of my fox snares. I am a trapper and coyote hunter and as most everyone knows the price of fur is way down so a lot of trappers are just doing it for the exercise and fun mostly not the money and so very little pressure on the coyote, fox etc and they will become as populated as mother nature will allow.
Coyote are very wiley and smart, gone at first sign of danger, and most of their hunting is done between dusk and dawn as everyone who hunts them knows and are in all of the island areas now and growing. If you do much traveling the chances of seeing one during daylight hours are slim but come nightfall things change; there it is right in front of you , one, two sometimes even five as with me. Stop the truck, turn on the cdplayer with the cd you burnt off Varmint Als website and play number 5 on mine, rabbit in distress and he comes right in; bang you blow off the smoke from top of your finger another one bites the dust!!!!!!! Imagination just kicked in again. You've all done it!
I get a nice few coyotes with the 22.250 using calls and its loads of fun especially when you gear up for it and the call pays off BUT you have to play your cards just right. Most of the stupid yotes are killed already by everyone who's packing a gun with any type of licence for game. Now moose season is over you will most likely get a better chance to bag one.
Anyone else ? Down in some states they are doing that, so why don't we ask the gov't to look into that for us. Has anyone else made that proposal I wonder.
safe shootin'
Very good idea!!!Always wondered abut it myself.
sound good to me i be willing to give it a try
I was thinking the same thing Mac.
If they don't soon open it to night hunting there won't be any small game left.
I don't think the public would support night hunting and I wouldn't support it either. That would mean 24/7 for ten months of the year you could have hunters in the woods, sometimes at night, shooting rifles. Sounds hazardous to me. I think we should consider the fact that other people like to spend time in the country and might prefer having some part of the year when they don't have to worry about getting shot.
Its no wonder we are called stupid newfies.
Night hunting ( using a gun and a spot light to shoot after legal hunting hours) would be great.
Unfortunately we live in a province thats Governed by open line and one where wildlife laws are all written to try and prevent poaching.Which is not without good reason, after all the 22-250 in now probably the most used poaching gun on the island.But on the plus side slug sales are down.
Public opinion towards hunting, and hunting in general with make night hunting nothing but a dream.
I hope that oneday the Nfld wild life. Well come to a better means of traping and hunting them then because like Pierce said there won't be any small game left in the woods. Now I am sure alot of you are saying "nah Adam we have lots of game here were we are to but let me tell you a story. About 4 years ago in my home town (grandfalls-windsor) you couldn't go across the bridge and not see about 6-7 rabbits, a few grouse and a scatter fox. I have watched it with my own to eyes decline at a alarming rate. With high spring water , yotes EVERYWHERE here they don't stand a chance pritty soon night hunting will be the only then we can do because all will be hunting is ghost ! lol thats my two cents on it I suppose lol
chow for now
Rabbit numbers appear to be down and so do the grouse. I am sure its the coyote, as I have said before the raptors ( hawks, owls and eagles) have never been more plenty. Also after very high rabbit numbers for a few years they are probably on a down turn.
As for controlling coyote numbers, people have been trying to control coyote numbers for years, we will have to become much better at it than every where else, because they havent been able to do it.
So where is a good area to hunt coyotes in the GF area.? I am always looking for new areas... ;)
Hey fred I have been tracking Two now for the last couple of days there on the begining of chipper road acros the bridg, there a good spot on peters river on new bay. behind redcliff by scrafare raveen there holwing like mad but you needs a sled to get in there, my cuz jeff lingards fathers' inn on the side of the high by bishops he says there getting them there as well
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