
I'm just starting to get into coyote hunting and have a few questions.  Where is a good area to hunt on the northeast avalon?  In general, what type of terain is best for coyote hunting?  bogs, barrens, cutovers?  I have a rabbit distress blow call.  Is this good enough/loud enough for a caller or should I get a electronic caller?  Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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Hey Jamie        
WEAPON - This is really a matter of personal choice and availability. Your weapon depends upon the type of terrain you are hunting and the distances you "plan" on shooting.
CALLS - A wide variety of calls are available to today's predator hunter. Mouth blown rabbit distress calls have probably accounted for more dead coyotes
Hunters in cold climates must take extra precaution when slecting and using mouth calls. Closed reed calls tend to "freeze up" in sub freezing Many excellent electronic calls are on the market as well. These are nice in that they produce a true and accurate sound which may assist beginning hunters. Which brand and model you choose is a matter of personal choice
CAMO -  coyote keen senses, it is important to conceal your self with your hunting environment. You must attempt to blend in with your surroundings, so be sure to pay attention to this detail. Be sure to cover face and hands (especially if you tend to move these often while hunting)
WHEN TO CALL - coyote will tend to feed under the cover of low light. In fact, studies show that predators move most between the hours of 6:00 AM and 6:00 PM.
WHERE TO CALL Coyotes are everywhere and can be hunted on farms, gravel pits, and woods alike.
I like to set up so that I have a great field of vision so that I can see the quarry from a distance.
Low wind is a must. If the wind is 15 MPH or more, you may want to stay at home. Snow cover is fantastic and will greatly aid in spotting critters as they come in.
Set Up
I try to set up where I can see the critters coming in from as far as possible. This will allow me to make any neccessary adjustments with my weapon I also like to set up on a high spot in the terrain. Again, this gives me a good vantage point
Wind is critical and must be paid attention to. The predators will almost always circle around you to identify the source of the commotion. Position yourself where you can take a downwind shot. This is imperative! If you have a buddy with you, sit looking in opposite directions. The key here is to sit close enough so that you can communicate with each other. NOTE: Be sure to have a plan for shooting since you are going to be close to each other. Safety must come first!
POSITION YOURSELF SO YOU CAN SHOOT - This is probably the MOST IMPORTANT tip. When selecting a set up position, make sure you can see the incoming animal and that you can actually shoot from your position! Don't conceal yourself so much that you can't see the coyote you just called in.
Play the Wind:

Most times, the coyote will attempt to circle around the sound source in effort of smelling the dying critter. This is his way to verify the safeness of the situation. Be sure to prepare your set up with this in mind. It is imperative to position yourself so that you will have a downwind shot. Setting up in a cross-wind situation is probably the best case scenario. Be reminded that the window of opportunity may be short in this scenario. If the coyote gets too downwind of the hunter, he will not stick around long.



Thanks Tony.  Some good tips.  Appreciate it.

Hey Jamie and Tony,

I am also just starting to hunt coyotes in the CBS area.  Just wondering if either of you could recommend a good spot to try for a coyote.  I have a new Fox Pro caller that I have been using but no luck yet. 

Hello All! Time to get down to business.... New to coyote hunting which is the primary reason I signed up for the site. Would appreciate any guidance on where to hunt in the vicinity of Paradise where I live. I was thinking just out by Paddy's pond might be an option, due to the poultry farm and was also thinking about the Witless Bay Line. I am really trying to keep things close so I can get out in the morning before work or the evening after work. Weekends at the cabin are a no brainer, and I will certainly hunt there as well, but where can I go close? Was hoping to have a try this Sat for the first time ever so any advise is welcome. Thanks.



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