My name is Deon Dicks and I'm concerned with the topic that as been on the news,radio talk shows, and other media.

''The moose and problems with moose in Newfoundland''.
Personally I feel that most of the trouble thats involved with moose and people running into them on the highways is speed.Yes ofcourse there is some accidents that happens involving moose, that driving to fast wasn't the problem,it was just the moose wondered on the road and in perfect time, caused the accident.Not because the moose is dumb like i hear people say,if you were to go in the woods in a not so familiar area I bet most of us will be confused as well.

Seems like the over all cure thats talked about is to either wipe out the moose or greatly reduce them.
We have a problem with druck drivers as well in our province, so to solve that problem are we going to simply kill all druck drivers?? No ofcourse not!!
Heres a solution that I have in mind that I hope the gov will consider before they just simply go the easy route and increase the moose hunting quota till theres very few left.
Fencing our highways I agree with,but for a quicker solution why dont we consider," a road side only management area".
I'm not sure what the % of moose lives and roams around our highways,but why should the moose that never see a highway be killed for a few that do, so with that in mind, on our moose applications that everyone one gets when applying for a moose license, along with the options of selecting your management areas and the type of license you want (male only, female only, or either sex) why not include a road side hunting option, what I mean is,a person with a road side license can only hunt a moose anywhere in NL from a highway, which will cut down on the moose that are around the roads, leaving the moose that never come to the roads alone, where if they simply increase the overall hunting quota for the purpose of cutting down on the moose accidents alot of moose will be killed that has never been close to a highway.
Heres how it can be controlled, if your awarded a road side moose license, when you make a kill,contact a wildlife station and have your animal checked by an officer,this will controll people shooting their moose in the woods somewhere off the highway. Have a distance set that your allow to hunt from the sides of the road.I know this may cause confusion on how far away the moose is but just like you can only use a certian type of rifle, when awarded a road side license [you must be in possessing of a range finder to let you know how far the moose is]. That is just a thought, maybe theres other ideas that will fit the law of road side license.
I know theres people like me that feel the same way i do concerning increasing the moose hunting quota, but we need to speak out and let our voices be know.
Thanks Deon.

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Comment by Allan Nippard on May 12, 2010 at 3:56pm
I think with a few small changes a system like this can save a lot of lifes, here is a link to a lil something i came across on youtube check it out , not ony regarding moose but think of how many people are killed with an unknown cause, maybe it was swrveing quickly to advoid someting as small as a rabbit. i wouldent mind getting some feed back on this.


Comment by Allan Nippard on May 11, 2010 at 4:01pm
i here ya Deon but really we are talking human life here as well as animals of all sorts can the almighty gov`t really put a price on that? it all makes sence to me look at the money insurence companys would save, hell just the savings form that alone could pay for a hell of a lot of warning sensors/lazer lights, even start small and do high risk areas first, what harm can it do. see to me i think we have something here if we can present in the right way.
Comment by Deon Dicks on May 11, 2010 at 2:15pm
Allen I thought about a lazer light and if any animal passed through that light, but than there would have to be post set up around 100 feet apart all along our highways ,and on both sides, when the lazer had something pass through it, have a big flashing light on both sides of where ever the animal was to warn people but again expensive I guess.
Comment by Edward Smith on May 11, 2010 at 1:05pm
Me too..But, as you said the government has to pony up the funds! Good Luck! LOL
Comment by Allan Nippard on May 11, 2010 at 12:17pm
Ok so for real. do any of you thing that heat and motion sensor lights may or may nor work? i can see it working if the gov`t is willing to put the money
Comment by Deon Dicks on May 11, 2010 at 8:11am
Mike, I totally agree with you buddy!
Comment by Allan Nippard on May 10, 2010 at 9:07am
Hey Deon you have got good point here, i too was for the fence. but from were i been looking, i dont really think the gov`t gives a damn about how many people and or moose become injured in this way. one lil stupid comment that Environment and Conservation Minister Charlene Johnson made got me thinkin. i quot "
moose hunters will be encouraged to head to more remote areas of Newfoundland and Labrador.". now to me this dont have shit to do with any highways nor the moose around them, but seems more like a money scam from were i sit. the farther we go back in the country the more gas,food and suplys we need all taxed. i dont care what the gon`t say i know there are not 120,000 moose on the island i just dont see it. as for increasing hunting quotas one reason and one reason only $$$$ theres a fucking NL maifa out there. Why not do the road side thing? why not give the common joe a pirmit to cut the highway timber back 100 feet or so? so he can heat his home.
Comment by Edward Smith on April 15, 2010 at 2:20pm
No, I was just venting the fact that I would like one but am in a low pool. LOL Sorry for the confusion, ED
Comment by Deon Dicks on April 15, 2010 at 2:19pm
Sorry about that, but the comment you stated , and I quote''God knows we could use a few more licenses" I understood that you meant that you were in favor of more licenses.Thanks
Comment by Edward Smith on April 15, 2010 at 1:27pm
Deon, You misunderstood what I said, I didn't say I agreed with more licenses, I said it was a drastic measure. That more quotas is not the answer! I think the situation is far more complex than made out to be! Also, I agree with the extended season on the end of the hunting season, for those very reasons you stated! I think if they are going to extend the season it should only be to make it earlier rather than later. Even then I'm iffy. My only objection to your statements above was that you would see more idiots (not hunters) shooting from cars & trucks. But, I think your idea is a good one, the implementation is the hard part! Ed


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