Fillet everythingphotoFillet everything1 LikeVery nice tasting trout.photoVery nice tasting trout.1 LikeOne for the youngfellaphotoOne for the youngfella1 LikeWe caught and released a few trout this even…photoWe caught and released a few trout this even…1 LikeFB_IMG_1530409640304photoFB_IMG_15304096403041 LikeC & RphotoC & R1 LikeFB_IMG_1531607812059photoFB_IMG_15316078120591 LikeScreenshot_2018-07-15-11-06-24photoScreenshot_2018-07-15-11-06-241 Like
April 2018
Last day of the 17-18 season for mephotoLast day of the 17-18 season for me1 LikeMy son with Tikka & MaggiephotoMy son with Tikka & Maggie1 LikeStainlees 22 250 I picked up to try sealingphotoStainlees 22 250 I picked up to try sealing1 LikeFirst bunny with 20 guagephotoFirst bunny with 20 guage1 LikeNice Jack I releasedphotoNice Jack I released1 LikeNice sea run troutphotoNice sea run trout1 LikeA run of sea trout that we didn't release. T…photoA run of sea trout that we didn't release. T…1 Like2 jackets, 2 sweaters, 2 pairs of pants but…photo2 jackets, 2 sweaters, 2 pairs of pants but…1 Like
November 2017
Salt Water Duck HuntingGroupSalt Water Duck Hunting14 LikesTurr Hunting NewfoundlandvideoTurr Hunting Newfoundland2 Likes