You can spend as much on this as you want, I certainly spend more than I should.
My two cents: Get a decent rod 9' or so in 8 wt (unless you plan on fishing almost exclusively on the Gander, Humber, or another big river where I'd say a 9 wt)
You need a decent reel (this can get very pricey!). A Lamson is good value for money,they're available at the Blue Charm (that's where I get all my gear)
YOU MUST HAVE WADERS. Not optional. I wouldn't recommend rubber/neoprene as you might perish on the walk to the river in July. My preference is wader with stocking feet as the boots you wear with them provide much more support. You won't be thinking about all the money you saved on cheap waders when you slip, fall in, and are struggling not to drown.
Lots of flies out there and everyone's got an opinion but you'd be safe starting with blue charms, green butts, and maybe a silver doctor or two. Thunder and Lightnings are also popular. I think you're better off having variance in size. If you only have a dozen flies, better off having 2 of size 6, 8, and 10 Blue Charms and the same in Green Butts than 12 different wet flies in the same size. Get a few dries too for when nothing else is working.
Ensure you have a 9' or so leader (either tapered or tied to taper) and 6-8 lb tippet. Oh, and a licence!
thanks ma i got a fernwich eagle and ferwich reel !, 9' 8 wt floatsing line and hip wades but ill invest into some of the better ones if i get into salmon fishing more thanks again !