Fewer Kids are not learning to hunt and fish today than in any other era. Among the reasons: A drop in rural populations, a rise in technology, an increase in the number of single parent households(many often don’t have the time or means to take their child afield), and the increase in urbanization.
Most children learn to hunt and fish when someone takes them hunting. We as hunters and fishers must take our children (or nieces and nephews, neighbour’s child, etc.) into the outdoors. We must teach them a respect and appreciation of nature and get them involved in outdoor activities. Studies have shown that children with a connection to nature have better self esteem. Let us pass the torch on to a new generation.
We must remember that we too were new to the outdoors and to outdoor pursuits. Remember the feeling of our first trout we caught or the first animal we shot. The sense of accomplishment and pride was overwhelming at that age. It is no mystery why our numbers dwindle; more regulations are being imposed pushing older more experienced hunters and fishers to “retire.” That vital experience is lost, and we must fight to gain it back. Let us make a commitment that we will not only participate in taking a child into the outdoors but, strive to cultivate a true love and appreciation of out outdoor heritage. Ed Smith
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