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At 9:06pm on December 29, 2009, Peter Emberley said…
Thanks, looks like an excellent site for stories, tips, pictures and info.
At 11:22pm on December 23, 2009, Corey Stacey said…
I usually use a couple of strings of 5 or 6 decoys side by side and that usually works fine.
At 8:09pm on December 23, 2009, Corey Stacey said…
The only places I can think of is the cape shore and trepassy. This is the home for eiders but weather is key. You willl definately need a good dog that is not afraid of rough seas. I hunt the burin peninsula area which is about 4-5 hours drive from St John's. THe frustrating thing about eider hunting is that it is so weather dependent!!
At 4:17pm on December 12, 2009, Brad Collett said…
I used to do the four wheeling thing until I realized it WASN'T a poor man's hobby. But getting together with other wheelers on Thrusday night at Dooley's during the nice months was one of the best parts. St. John's is an interesting spot - lots of jobs and decent money so here I am. But there are a lot of different people here and it's easy to fall into the mindset that there's not a lot of bushmen around. I just moved into a new place with 22 houses on 2 cul-de-sacs - great spot for the kids and the neighbours are ALL really good. But none of them have a closet full of shotguns!

So be it a pool night, card game, jam session (I actually met Rich Reeves through music), rabbit, moose, or partridge hunt, baby shower, or whatever. If it get a couple of hairy arse men together for an evening of telling lies and drinking beer is worth pursuing.

If I had to pick a time, I'd say during boxing week so people can get their family stuff over with.

At 12:00am on December 8, 2009, Brad Collett said…
You know, the usual. I ordered a snow blower on Saturday (could really use it now) two rigs in the driveway still on summer tires, utility trailer buried in the back yard, etc. Winter doesn't have the same appeal to me as it did when I was living in Central.

We've also had a serious illness in my wife's family since July so our lives have been severly impacted. It's one of those things that you make a sacrifice of time because you know you should. There'll be another season for me next year.

We really should work on a get together.

At 9:31pm on December 7, 2009, Brad Collett said…

We should do a Dooly's night or something along that lines and get the local yocals together. There have been many a Saturday morning I've done no hunting because I really had no idea where to go. My goal here is to find places to go past the overpass for a good morning of hunting. I'm sure if a few hands got together with a few topo maps we could nail down a pile of spots.

I'm also a firm believer in Spring and Summer expeditions, which can also be used to take the youngsters out for some fishing or a picnic - double duty! I have a few spots in mind to check out this year. Last year was a write off because of fences, lawns, decks, walkways, etc. This year I have a clear schedule. I also have a small quad. I hope it's as nice as last year.

At 8:44pm on December 5, 2009, Brad Collett said…

Not to worry about the questions - I talk A LOT so I love a good chat.

I am a very relaxed duck hunter. As of late, my family responsibilties are heavy so everything else comes last. As well, I'm not a heavy shooter so I seldom take birds or even take a lot of shots. But the sport is a passion of mine and such a challenge and I enjoy every aspect of it (except picking birds!). But, I'm also very consious of what's going on, and more importantly, if my intention was to limit out could I acheive that goal.

So to answer your question, this year was very odd. I actually got out fairly often during the early part of the season and questioned where the birds were. I have a theory that I'm sticking to as it's the only thing that gives me any comfort.

We had a pile of rain this year. The usual municipal water bans were very short. What I noticed about the woods was that there was water everywhere. There were puddles and steadies were I've seldom seen them before. I believe that's where the birds have been. Ideal cover from predators, and consequently, duck hunters.

Your thoughts?
At 3:24pm on November 27, 2009, Rich Reeves said…
haha Thanks and I hope to get lots of great pics.
At 12:12pm on November 27, 2009, Rich Reeves said…
Planning on a trip thi Saturday. It's about an 1 1/2 drive and an hour walk. First time duck hunting in this area for me. I had a buddy that hunted there years ago, back then it was a great place to Waterfowl hunt, hundreds of birds. If nothing else it will be an adventure.
At 7:46am on November 27, 2009, Rich Reeves said…
I left a message and link on the Facebook group "Waterfowl Hunting Newfoundland" this morning and messaged a few of my hunting buddies.
At 8:26pm on November 18, 2009, Grant Loveless said…
thanks ED yeah i got 5 geese so far this year and about 30 ducks i geuss
At 7:00pm on November 18, 2009, Rich Reeves said…
Thanks Ed, this site is a great idea. I'll pass the word around.

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COMPLETE GUN REPAIR INDOOR SHOOTING RANGE 71 O'LEARY AVENUE ST. JOHN'S, NL TEL:709-747-0865 FAX:709-738-6313 completegunrepairs@gmail.com
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17 Corey King Drive
Mount Pearl, NL
A0A 2A0



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