Who thinks that joe should get charged with shooting a wolf. He just may yet.

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On the outer ring road today and I was being tailgated by a semi dump truck while doing 120km/h on a Cycle, and he actually pulled out and past me.  I hate when the're behind me on a cycle, If something happens in front of me I'm done.  That was why I was doing 120 and he still caught and past me.

Back to the topic of this discussion....In the end...Regardless of what he thought it was...he did shoot a wolf (once proven) on a coyote license. So, yes, he is at fault...If you dig deep in our rules and regs for wildlife and hunting...what he did, was / is now an illegal act. So, it's up to wildlife to decide if he pays a penalty.

To an extreme level....If he was looking across a marsh come sunrise/sunset...had a bull only/calf moose license...saw a moose at the other end..200 yards we'll say...it looks to be a young bull...(little stubby bumps for antlers)..it's still legal shooting light...and he believes he can see those stubs..he pulls the trigger...moose drops dead...he walks up and it's a cow with a rough patch around her ears...Wildlife just happens to be near..stumbles upon him just after the fact...that would be quite the scenerio to get out of...because first thing they would say...your supposed to be certain of what your shooting at....Just saying....and not coming down on him again...just sayin how things can happen...yet...we are still responsible in the end...

True Billy, section 89 of the wildlife act does state that a hunter can not shoot anything that is not on his license. However, I think that a judge will take into account that prior to this harvest, there were no reports of wolves on the island and that wildlife officials also mis-identified it. Seeing they are the "experts" it will hold wieght in court that even they could not Identify it. and if an "expert" could not id it how are we supposed to!

Oh, I most certainly agree to that statement Ed, And I'm down on wildlife for not being able to identify it as a wolf at the get-go...Whether they really couldn't, or just wanted to keep it from the public until further notice..is and probably will always stay astray....But....it also still comes down to the act of actually shooting the wolf under a coyote license identity or not....thats how they will probably look at it...

Billy you are right the charge will be shooting a wolf with a coyote license. It's no different then people wanting to shoot fox with a coyote license, the license don't hold for fox. But i hope that it woun't stand up in court.

Its an interesting discussion for sure. But if I was a Sopak member I would still argue, not with standing the speed demon argument, that there will still be more moose/ car collisions by people who are driving prudently than there are coyote/ wolf incidents by a HUGE margin. 

And that hunters cant have it both ways, lay the wrath of god on coyotes/wolves because they "may" attack our dogs, children or eat our rabbits and grouse.But want to save the moose because everyone who hits one with a car is driving with undue car and control.

When we make those arguments we do it without much credibility.Actually its self serving.

Sorry guys, but I just want to stir this pot and flush out more conversation.

Fred you are right, a sopak would be all over this. But with the moose they want to get ride of all that stands in newfoundland and i fro sure don't want that. So to avoid having another car crash with a moose on the radio i slow down at night when on the highway. They woun't here it from me that i hit a moose.


Don't get me wrong i do fell for the family's that did loose someone in a crash due to moose..

and Ken I totally agree with you. That is my view as well.In fact I am convinced we have reduced moose numbers far too low.

I also think that we as hunters are far too over the top when it comes to coyotes.

I believe the laws surrounding coyote hunting as totally screwed up as a result of what i call " Little Red Riding Hood Paranoia."

But we have to be cautious of the points we make if we are to be credible. Just keep in mind while these forums are great 

We are preaching to the choir.Here

Outside here we face an uphill battle, and incidents like happened at Middle Pond dont help.

True fred they don't help at all.It doesn't matter what you are into there is going to be some kind of mistake made, and not just to do with hunting.

People working alone in school's and someone takes a heartattack and no one is there, someone shoots the wrong sex moose, drinking and driving, poaching.

It's hard not to lookat somethink and not have something wrong with it. I just hope that the message gets out there, that not all is bad, no matter what you are into.

Exactly...And to be honest...I know I've had my say with this topic since the beginning...And it seems like i'm always coming down on him for what happened...I'm mostly being the devils advocate...Calling out the ethics and ultimate responsibility clause....you know...will he get charged..? I think he will...they'll probably nab it on him somehow...Should he..? It comes down to..well he did do it...did he mean it...i'm sure he never knew..but...he still did it...regardless...and that is how it's gonna go down..

I for one believe coyotes are not devils but an opportunity for sport.



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