Has anyone had a dog that has been diagnosed with lungworm ? My 6 year old beagle Duke is being treated for it right now. Last season this dog could run for from daylight until dark with ease . This season he could only run for approximately 3 hrs before he would be breathing extremely heavy and could no longer run. If this dog was at home you would never say there was anything wrong with him as he would jump over your head and he is also eating fine. He was treated with interceptor @ double the normal dose on Oct 25 and he is due for a regular dose on nov 25 . I tried him in the woods again this past sunday and although he did show some major improvement he still seemed to have breathing problems but not until after approximately 6 hours of hunting. If anyone has any info on this it would be greatly appreciated. How long should it take for him to be back to normal if he did infact have lungworm?

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I had the same problem with my 3 year old female beagle last year..The vet put her on interceptor. 2 pills first dose and then 1 a month untill thay are gone,,,The vet told me to not work the dog untill all the interceptor was gone.

Did she fully recover from this . How long did it take before you could run her?

how many months did you have to give her the interceptor before you could run her?

She recovered fine but i did not run her for 5 months when all the pills were gone..

Ahhhh....I was in this mornin with my young male and well he kinda gave up on me and is now breather very funny..its like a lot of short breaths..is that the way your dog went of was it different..please say that's not the way your dog went???

Yeah Mike it sounds something similar to what my dog was like. He would run for a couple of hours fine then he would really start breathing heavy and his stomach would go in and out really fast. Don't panic though when i put him on interceptor he recovered and we used him later on last season and after a couple of runs this season he seems great. I hope so...Best of luck, the interceptor isn't that expensive either and it also treats your dog for most worms as well.  

Thanks ron u kinda took a load of my shoulders..I've had a bit of bad luck with dogs since me and the old fella lost our really good male..I don't need no more bad luck lol..by the way are u ron chafe that worked at country ribbon???

Yeah, Mike thats me . When something like this happens it always seems like it is your best dog. Last year  when this happened to my dog  I was that pissed off I thought about giving up rabbit hunting all together.ALMOST.

By the way ron if you don't mind me askin....how much did it run you for the treatment and what vet did you bring him too??? Also this happened this mornin so how long do I have to get him to a vet cuz there not open today and I don't know about tomorrow either.you know where its thanksgiving...let me know thanks alot

Mike if you like you could give me your # and I will give you a call.

Hey ron just wonderin, did u find anything out for me?



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