Hello for all you trappers out their Im having alot of trouble with a certin person takeing my slips cutting them up and taking coyotes and foxes on me...I know if your trapping your going to have trouble but is their anything I can do LEGAL to stop him...I am getting relly pissed of with him now and something got to happend...He is also a trapper and a few people told me to destroy his stuff but i don't want to touch no one else slips/traps...
Here is what you can do. When the season opens for 2012, it will be worth your while to buy some trail cams and put them in places so you can get him in the act. It is an offence to take another snare or fur. Meaning jail time. Get the ones that have video. Hope this helps.
Sounds like a plan I was looking at trail cans on line the other day ..
I would set him up realy good.
i was thinking of finding a fox this summer that been hit by a car or something like that and put in my slip with the cam put near by...mabe use a coyote that i catches somewere down that way and set it up....o i well catch him one way or another
Ya that's what i would do it would be worth the fur. LOL I hope you get him. If you need help let me know.
When I gets it all set up I well let you know what happens
Hey tyler, my father had the same problem not quite the same situation but same in general problem it only occured once. This guy wont say names and his buddys thought that it would be a good idea to shoot a young male red fox caught in a foot hold trap a few years back. no problem right? wrong seems that when the fox and trap was brought back to our house the fox had been shot up and the trap destroyed by gun shots, who ever did it was a poor shot and poor judgement. end of the story pretty much my father found out who done it and gave him a call said what the trap was worth and judgeing the fox its approximate value to sell and told him say $50 for what its worth he would like to compensate for the loss of a nice young fox and a new trap, he wasint so reluctant to pay until my father said it was ilegal to do so and he would contact wildlife , you should do the same after your setup, pending you know who it was who done it.
well that is another problem that I have from time to time people shoting foxes but that could be any one doing that...Their is a old dirt road about 15 min drive from my house relly nice spot for foxes but its no good to go their because people shoot the foxes..i had one last year up their he was shot with a 12 gauage in the head and the shot came out the back of his neck.. so i never even went up their this year .I usually have 1 shot up every year
yea around my way its only a few people trap and the guy who did it happend to be around a few of my dads brothers. worked out in the end. out here we have about 3 moose areas or more of trapping for 2 people pretty much .I hate when people think they can shoot up an animal espicaly the fox which is ilegal to shoot anyway without a trappers permit
No i don't think you can. With the purpose of carring a gun for shooting a fox only if it is alive in a snare oe a trap. I am not realy sure you can start to call in foxes and shoot them. No were on the trapping licence do it read shooting fox out of snare or trap. That's a good question Mike and i would like to hear the right answer to that. Alot of the times when coyote hunting we call out a fox. With a trapping licence are we aloud to shoot???? OR is the trapping licence just for trapping????
Hi guys I also have a trappers licence and you can call in and harvest fox,coyote and lynx(if the season is open) currently closed on the southern portion of the island for lynx. Here is a rundown of the regulation in the 2012-13 Hunting and Trapping Guide,
(b) the hunting, taking and killing of
coyote, fox and lynx, by the holder of a trapper’s licence using a center-fire
rifle not greater than .225 calibre or a shotgun using shot size 2 or larger is
permitted on the Island portion of the province.
I hope this helps!
Blue Water Marine & Equipment Ltd.
16 Allston Street
Kenmount Road Business Park
Mount Pearl, NL A1N 0A4
Tel: (709) 782-3200
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