Ok here I go again. What gives other hunters or other walkers in the woods the right to take or damage a trappers gear. For those to do that and think it's okay, or their right, you are a coward. A trappers gear costs money to fix or replace. If you happen to come across trapping gear on a trapline, instead of taking or breaking the gear, here's a tip for what to do. Simply take the snare up and hang it on the tree that it is attached to. In my personal opinion, as a trapper, I do not mind this, but it bothers me to find my gear missing or damaged.

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do this happen to others

I have not trapped for many years . Nothing is more frustrating than having gear tore up or stolen.

and then in the same breathe people want you to mark areas where you have gear set.

The poor puppy that finds itself strung up in a snare will always make the news< yet you will never hear about the trapper who lost a mink, along with box and a 120 conibear to a thief

it never changes

That is so true Fred but site like this will help to get out meassage out there

I hope you are right, but I have to say I have my doubts.And now with the coyote mania we have, no one will pass up the chance to steal one in a trap or snare.

Mac .. I know exactly how you feel. I remember one time having met a moose hunter coming out a dead end road ( 8 am) where I had a dirt hole set of a fox, I had used a drag, so the fox upon getting caught could get to the brush and hide. Its the only time I had lost a fox on a drag, normally they work like a charm.

When I arrived at the site I saw where the trap had fired and was gone, found where the fox had tangled , where the fox was shot, ( high power rifle) dragged to where truck was parked and then drove away.

Fuming I jumped in truck and took off back to catch the hunter. I never found him, after I was glad I didnt, I was so angry I am not sure what I would have done.

For a trapper I cant think of a worse feeling then finding gear and or fur stolen.

anyway, always gonna happen. there's them and us but with the advent of the little cams they better be very, very carefull; someone is watching and it is only a matter of time!

Well, just got back from a very dissappointing trip on trapline. Started out with a 1 1/2 longspring trap and mink I think gone then a coyote took the drag and all from the site where it was set (Wire burst off) and got on road where he dragged it for awhile and then I lost it no snow to see tracks. Then to make matters worst I went inside line and see where couple guys got out of truck and killed one of my animals(big huge coyote still in snare)  and dragged him down to his truck bleeding and then took another one from atop same hill out of the snare and took that one also. What a frustrating day this was for me. Had the wife along too just for video.She was on my back too caue I was a LITTLE upset!!!!!!!! got a video of some of the tracks left there and video truck. only on in there before I went in>. both animals were big according to damage> If anyone hears anything let me know through the grapevine. Happpened this weekend Dec 8 or 9 th.

john that would piss me off so much here what i would do next time you check your line or drive pass it write down there plate # and if show up there more times thenu have a # to go looking for them

may not be a bad place to put a trail cam, hide it well or they will steal it too.

I agree with you Tony.

People and hunters should have respect, they wouldn't like it if you walked up to their hunt and took a duck or grouse and then kicked over their gauge.

Knock on wood, I have been lucky for the past few weeks, nothing missing. Have a few very respectfull trappers around me and I respect their equipment.

Hope I never catch anyone taking my gear or destroying my catches. I always have the camera with me.

How is the trapping for everyone?

Very slow catches for me. Relocated 90% of my trapes and hope to pickup a few extra furs this week.

This is funny, I had a rabbit caught in one of my fox snares and a fox came along and ate it..LOL The fox didn't come back.



Tony, trail cams are not only good for monitoring animals, they're great for people too. Criminals always return to the scene of the crime. Those thieves will be back. You work so hard and stick to the law and someone still feels entitled to steal your harvest. Frustrating indeed. Try the trail cam and put one facing the road too so you can get a look at the vehicle. There may be more than one party messing with your line. Thieves who think they are smart love to brag to other thieves. Good luck.

The trail cam is an excellent idea. I'm thinking about setting up one in my driveway and catching the person who is always rifling through vehicle's in my yard or road. I think a trail cam first try and then a rat trap in the glove box.. I'd say I would  make open line on VOCM for sure. Yes boys I know how you feel trap lines, snare lines , cabins boats ,ATVs nothing is sacred these days "LOWLIFES" THIEVES  ..always some lowlife scum messing or stealing other peoples hard earned property.

Can't stand a thief.  Next to lying I hate it.  Thieving is usually a by product of a province that suddenly has money. 



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