So has everyone seen the new budget and the cuts that have been made??

What are your thoughts regarding the wildlife dept/Dept of NR??   

I feel that with these cuts poaching may become bigger problem. I know many groups have spoken out against this, for example some salmon groups and advocates have expressed concern regarding salmon stocks. 

It has affected me personally as I'm sure it has affected many of us in this way. Two years of working my butt off had finally paid off when I got an interview for my dream job! Four days before my interview I received an email saying it was postponed as there was and is a hiring freeze now put in place. I suspect this will remain in affect for quite some time.

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It sucks for sure. I think that if there is enough pressure put on the Gov, some of these changes will not take place. You would think that the Minister Terry French would not be pleased with this. If there is nothing to hunt because poaching increased, what will that do to hunter and fishey men/women who come here and spend money to hunt and fish here?? Why come if there is nothing left to catch. It all goes down hill from here.



I think that this will just be the beginning of our problems. 

It all starts with education.

   I think you will find the solution to this , and many of the other problems that outdoor lovers have to face, on the bottom left side of our home page under the heading " Newfoundland Federation " . Applications to join are available there. Without your support you can be assured changes will never take place , It  will just keep getting worse,


When i was to the meeting, the first one that came about it was said very clear that there would be no charge to join this federation. So now you have to pay someone to join. If the plan was to stick with a none profit group the federation #'s would be alot higher. People want to know where the money is going and who is getting it and for what. Members that where on the site federation allmost 50 or more should be on the new federation for free.



When you donate $5 to the Newfoundland Federation of Hunters & Anglers, your money goes toward helping the federation run its daily operations and, as we are a non-profit organization working for the mutual benefit of hunters and anglers across the province, these activities are essential to having our voice heard in the appropriate forums.

The funding collected through these donations also maintains the necessary cost of advertising that allows our message to have the most impact and to reach the people for which it is truly intended – the concerned public and dedicated members.

Finally, your money will allow the federation to travel from venue to venue, town to town and expand its presence across the island. This will ensure that what we stand for can be felt by all Newfoundlanders and ensure their awareness as we press forward on the issues that concern not just our devoted members, but all hunters and anglers with voices we need to hear.


Ken, as you know that meeting we had almost two & 1/2 years ago did not go anywhere. It was not until this past November that this Federation truly began. It became incorporated in December 2012. Thus, it is now a non-profit organization. As Jacalynn so eloquently stated above, the mere 5 dollars a person or 10 dollars for Families, is collected to ensure that the message of the Federation is able to get out there. Every leaflet, site costs, advertising, etc for the Federation costs money. We as a board felt that such a small fee would not hamper anyone from joining. It is Less than a coffee at Tim Hortons a day.

In fact, Many like Groups (Labrador Hunters & anglers association, Ontario Federation of Hunters and Anglers, etc.) charge their members between $30-$100 per member, per year. Yet, These groups have members ranging from hundreds to 10's of thousands. We felt that this was way to much to charge, and felt that it would hinder the Federation. So we chose these small fees instead.

As you were not part of the meeting that made this Federation a legal entity you are unaware about government policy as to what the non-profit organization process was or what it entailed. 10 People Were at that meeting, We all put in money to pay the fee to make this Federation a legal entity. We put our money where our mouth was, we continue to work hard to bring issues to Government, and we are trying to build membership. Membership is the key to making any changes! Lets all work together so we can benefit all outdoor enthusiasts. We need People To make a stand, not just "bitch" about what is wrong, but to help us develop solutions and put pressure on government to change the outdated laws, create new policies, and to get our voice heard. We Need every Hunter, Angler, Berry Picker, Camper, Hiker, Canoeist, Kayaker, Photographer, etc. To work as one unit to make Our Province Better. If you want Change (not just you but everyone who reads this) Join the Federation and lets get to work!

$5 dollars really is not enough.  To do any serious work, you really need to up the membership cost.   $20 would not be out of the question.  Many of us pay more than that on a box of shells. 


That is true Ken. But, as we are just starting we wanted to ensure that we are able to attract a large group of members. We did not want fees to be a stumbling block, thus we made it so low.



Glad I am free to do all the poaching I want to do when ever I want to do it.  Thank you Dunderdale. 

Well It is simple, Less Enforcement = more poaching. Less Wildlife Officials = Less vital information on wildlife, Information that is necessary for sound wildlife management. What we get from cuts like these = less hunting, fishing, and general outdoor utilization. We have Caribou Herds on the brink of extinction, We have outdated data on moose herds & bear populations, and we have no new policies being made. My Final Question is this, Why isn't Government taking a portion of our licensing fees, and putting directly into the wildlife division? Our funds are going into general coffers and not where it is truly needed.



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