I've gone out several times this fall with no luck in getting a duck or anything, I maybe going at the wrong time or wrong place. I've tried up by Coccrane pond, windgap road torbay, southern shore. Not sure where else to try. I don't even see them flying over head anywhere either.
I guess I'm new to the sport and I'm not familiar with the "good" spots yet.
i was out near my house in whitbourne a few weeks ago and there were numerous ducks in the gullies on a bog. i decided to go get a waterfowl license and when im out snaring etc id have a crack at them. ever since i got the license there hasnt been one duck out there. i have however seen 12 on the parking lot of the foodland i whitbourne in a pudle last week, as well as another 5-10 in a small pond in the middle of the town...lol