Fish and Wildlife Enforcement officials say three charges have been laid in recent days against dog owners who have allowed their pets to run free and harass wildlife. The Department of Justice says eight separate complaints have been received about dogs running free and chasing wildlife, something that is against the law. The most recent incident happened on Wednesday when some beagles were seen chasing rabbits in the Jack's Pond area near Brigus Junction. A charge was laid in connection with that case.
Pet owners are reminded that dogs are not allowed to chase wildlife outside the hunting season.
Yesterday I drove up my driveway and a moose ran right in front of me, (near moose collision on my driveway) The reason for the running moose became apparent as the constantly on loose local beagle came running by in hot pursuit. Both my wife and I hoped the moose would turn around and stomp the dog. But we more appropriately cursed the owner.
It's a terrible time of the year for that. All the young rabbits could be caught and killed and chasing big game in this heat. It's very irresponsible act and gives all a bad name. Not to mention it's hard the dog as well. I wouldn't even consider running mine in this heat in Sept.
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