In a recent issue of the Scope newspaper, there was an article written by Kerri Breen, on a class action suit moose collision victims are trying to start against the Government of Newfoundland & Labrador. There claim is that, "because the government of Newfoundland brought the animals here in 1912, it would be guilty of negligence if the hazard was foreseeable back then." Basically, a case of "public nuisance."

I have to say this is by far the weirdest case I have ever heard of! And, I might add seems like a waste of tax payers dollars to defend against! I really do not see how the government can be held liable for this, especially in the cases where speed was a factor! But, this is my opinion!

What do you think?

Also Check out this article from the Globe and Mail; Victims of moose-vehicle crashes suing Newfoundland

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wow i am on the same page with you ed what next law suit on the hunter beacuse the moose walk out on the tch and was hit by a car or truck i think this just a way to get the name in the news
I heard about this a couple months ago on the radio, It was actually a lawyer in town that came up with the brilliant idea to do it to... imagine that !!!! It is probably one of the stupidest things I have heard, but if it happens you can almost be assured that the government will want to see alot less moose around and will probably up the quota and with in a few years moose will be as plentiful as unicorns !!! the one who came up with it should be shot with a ball of his own s!*&. If people would slow down on the highway and pay attention to driving there would be alot less collisions. My 2 cents worth
How was this possibly forseeable back in 1912?? wasnt it a rule back then that if you were driving a car a person waving a flag had to be running in front of you??? therefore no chance of hitting a moose?? come on, like really? a class action suite??? I feel for the victims and there families and maybe something should be done now, but my god... this is nuts
Ches Crosbie is the lawyer who started this !!!!!

You can read about it on his webpage
It seems to me to be a money grab!

I agree with you ED i thinks a load of BS. A money grab forsure


A laughingstock ,will never go to court !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lmao.
you hit the nail on the head there david 93% off moose veichle accidents are drivers not paying attention and driving to fast
What are my thoughts?
Why did New Brunswick put up a fence to keep moose off the highway??
Why did a Newfoundlander get charged with killing the wrong sex moose yet a woman kills her husband and walks away free?

Waste a time I suppose to the lay person
but to a brilliant lawyer it may make our goverment do something about the numerous people who have been killed and the numerous people injuried,on our highway

The only real shame is that it takes something like a major lawsuit to get something done

One more comment if every car that was sold in newfoundland was equiped with the new radar system and they made it mandatory accidents between cars and animals or even people walking on the side of the road in the night would be lower now how do you put a cost on this if it saves a life or your dogs life if he got lost and wandered out on the highway
on the cost of a new car it would be so minmal like air conditioning or cheaper then automatic
Sorry Mike you haven't heard of this technology

It is standard in German made cars, American Automakers are trying to make it better

that is a link so you can see the technology

here is another page so you can read that some cars since 2007 in north america are offering it

At one time people felt seat belts and Anti-lock brakes and Airbags were a bad idea or too expensive
Another solution which they did in British Clumbia was

In 2002 and 2003 it was the latest thing (10 yrs old almost ) and it worked
It's a money making scam.. Anything to make a buck!!

Like someone has said previously, I know not 100% of the cases are due to this, but I think speed and not paying attention are probably 95% of the reason for moose collisions. I know from experience that moose occasionally do bolt out of the woods on roads where the brush has grown right to the edge of the pavement sometimes, but how often really?!



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