Hey all,

I was just wondering what other people use for bait for black bears. i have been using freezer burned meats and rotten fruits.


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Deep fryer grease!!!!!!!!!!!!...and loads of it from the local chicken shack, old meats, maple syrup, vanilla for scent, rotten fish they wont usually eat it but makes a stink to draw them to the area, old donuts from Tim's, any table scraps, bacon grease, old jam, dry dog food once they are hitting the bait makes it easy to get a good shot they will pick every piece up off the ground. Keeps their head down so they dont see you get ready for the shot and seal carcasses. If you knows someone who goes sealing ask them to keep some for ya.


I hear molasses is good to!

Hey Gerald,, I don't doubt what you say about bears not returning if they get sick on some bait you fed them, But my question to you is " How do you Know this is true please" Like i said I don't doubt you for a minute and I have had ocassions in the past where bears stopped coming , not to return for sometimes a month, if at all and I never once considered that it may be because of the Rotten Chicken Guts (off-alls) I was feeding them. Man I hope you are right about that cause if you are it will change the way I'm presently baiting bears. One of the things I've had great success with is Beef-Feeder,, I buy it at the Farm feed stores and is quite cheap, it consists of Cracked Corn and oats and Molasses. (it's dry) and can be fed from a Barrell with holes in it to fall out when rolled around and the bears seem to come for miles to get at it. It only Costs about 20.00 for a large bag and I can't for the life of me remember how heavy the bag is I'm going to guess 75 or 80 lb bag. One thing for sure I'm not feeding any more rotten food (stinks too much anyway) Bears seem to like it though. Biggest draw back to it is that the bears stink of it when you kill them and it's hard to get rid of the smell.

c  ya  john

Yeah right on Guys,, (Gerald and Kevin) Used Anise in the past and your right is great stuff but sometimes hard to find around here. If I could get one and one only bear bait, it would be Beaver carcuses, from the trappers, bears love em big time!! Believe it or not 50% of the guys around here baid with nothing but apples, can u believe it plain old apples from the old crab apple trees along the road u know what i mean, and they swear by it. Tim Horton stuff is like askin for Gold around here because most of them know your usin it kill bears with it and they refuse to give it us. But where there's a will there's a way, now we just tell them we use it for Hog feed and they give it up quite freely lolololo

Lately, like last year and this year we were getting Cherry's and gelly beans from a agro industry here that were making some kind of feed with it and we could buy it quite cheap, loke 50$ for about 300 lb barrel but some other country cut into their market and it's not available now. That sucks big time cause it was the best we ever used the cherry stuff was like what u would find in a cherry blossome choclate bar and was very slow pouring , the bears would bet it all over their paws and have a great time lickin it off, fun to watch from a tree stand lololol. A big Boar found my apple pile I had out for deer at my tree stand and was so hard on my apples I had to quit and move to another place, couldn't get a shot at him cause he was always comin after dark, But I have lots of pictures of him eatin my apples though. I use a Moultri trail camera and takes great pics. I know I'm jumpin around a lot here, but we use a lot of Deep fryin chicken oil we get from a kentucky fried chicken place and we just pour it around the site and they walk in it and spread it out to all the other bears and seems to bring them quite well. Then when they get to the site, we have Fryer Grease, apples, bread , all kinds, candy,

Beef Feeder (real good)  and another thing that will toll them is a can of Kipper Snaps, just slightly open the can , hang it in a  tree with a string and let it drip out, works good and they can smell it for miles. Man love this site and exchangine ideas!!!!


Condensed milk is supposed to be the bomb, lol. A reliable source told me it hasn't failed him yet!
Molasses works well!
try bacon flavoured popcorn in a barrel works good
Thanks everyone for the responses. i was also wondering if anyone has ever used a bear snare to catch them and if they did where did they purchase one.
grease is a key ingredient in a bait. It will stick to the bears paws when he leaves and other bears will track him back. rule of thumb I have used it meat in spring sweets in fall. But always use the grease so that other bears can back track departs bears.
I have caught a couple in snares ( foot) you can get them at Blue Ridge ( sponsor)
Drill holes in a tree and fill the holes with vanilla extract!!!! Works wonders, the smell travels for miles!
i heard mint tooth paste on trees works well to, never personal tried it out myself though.... i use old grease .bacon grease preferably



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