Welcome to the N & L Waterfowlers Coyote Tracker. This discussion was created with the intention of documenting the recent increase in coyote sightings in Newfoundland & Labrador. Reports from anywhere in Newfoundland & Labrador are more than welcome, and encouraged!
This is a place for people who are interested in learning more about coyote behavior. Tony started this page because he believed that a better understanding of sightings could lead to better hunting opportunities for members. It will be interesting to see what patterns might emerge when you view a map of all coyote encounters people are having on an ongoing basis.
If you send information, please include the date, time of day, behavior, and even photographs. Once your information has been sent please allow 3-5 days for it to be updated! You can look at the map on the main page of the Coyote group section!
we got a few in behind redcliff (central) towards dumffys pound
are you talking about the redcliff up off marine drive logy bay?
A lone coyote spoted last night between 10:30 and 10:45 last night at the end of old baybulls rd. were it meets Baybulls RD. Coyote crossed the road in front of veih. and headed into Murrays farm on Baybulls RD.The coyote was last seen snifing around the house of the sheepfarm and vanished in behind the farm house heading East into the hills behind ."Looks Like I Got Some Planing todo " YEEEHAAA
Hey everyone pls kept the reports on coyotes coming so i can up date the map
I saw some fresh tracks on Saturday morning Feb 25, on the south side of Thorburn Rd, just past the Outer Ring intersection. they were pretty fresh because we had some snow that morning and they were nice clear tracks. I found some more tracks possibly the same coyote probably a 1000 ft in of the west side of the Outer Ring road heading toward Paradise, and by the looks of it, they had crossed over the Outer Ring Road from the East to the West side. I never thought to take any pics with my phone. I am going to set up a trail camera soon and hopefully catch a shot of them.
Blue Water Marine & Equipment Ltd.
16 Allston Street
Kenmount Road Business Park
Mount Pearl, NL A1N 0A4
Tel: (709) 782-3200
© 2025 Created by Edward Smith.
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