I have been involved in training my dogs in hunt tests for the past 3 years and I am at a loss as to how to make connection with people who train their dogs or who have knowledge of training techniques. I have trained on the mainland for the past 3 years in the summer time.   Also, I have been unable to obtain a source of  birds this year to train my dogs.in the field.   If someone out there has birds available or knows of someone  I would be glad to make connectios. I am an outdoor enthusiast , love fishing and have been around dogs most of my life .  My passion is to do field trials  with my dogs and train on a daily basis . I own the Littleriver dog  called the Toller of Nova Scotia. My Toller Jazz  is the smallest of the retrievers but a good upland hunting dog.  Nice talking .   Mary 

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Mary, your in the right place. Fred Woodman, I'm sure will be in touch.
Thanks Peter.  Its raining cats and dogs here today.  Another training day lost.  They are few and far between these days.  Maybe it will rain itself out and we can get on with our great outdoors.  Mary in the big city.  
Don't forget it is illegal to let your dogs run loose in any area frequented by wildlife until September 1.

I beleave there are places designated for training dogs this time of year. I beleave Northern Pond is one of those areas. Ed has a list of the areas and dates, when he gets off work, I ask him to look up the dates and places. We don't want anyone to get in trouble.

Hi Gerald.  I would prefer ducks as this is what they use in hunt tests on  the mainland   Sometimes partridge.  The Canadian Kennel Club overseas these tests in Canada and they cant be live game.  Now the Americans in their hunt tests at the junior , senior and master level do use live small game  birds.  I train right now on a small 10 acre farm.  It does provide lots of variation in terrain .  It is not used otherwise.  My problem is I have little access to good ponds to do water retrieves.  The little one I have right now is really to small.  I have trained on the mainland on private land that is used for hunting in season and training in the off season.  More particularly Ottawa area.   Also, I have been to NS to do hunt tests and their land seems to be relatively accessible.  I am not to keen on the rules  here but I will certainly look them up .  


Anyway, I will take any kind of wild birds for training  perhaps 5 or 6 or whatever can be spared.  If not local I can pay to have them trucked in. .   Anything you can do would be appreciated .  Now if I can get another  training area close to  St. John's I would be game.   Nice chatting and I think this discussion forum is just great.  We can learn from one



Thanks for the info.  I'll check it out .  Use blank pistol for training.  

For ducks I always found the Buy and Sell helpful.There are usually a few around.

As for training I am not aware of any groups that regularly train. However there are always individuals who are training and looking to get together.


As for training areas I haveny had any issues with Wildlife but you have to be creative where you train.If you look around around you can find places that you can use without any hassle.

Where are you located.?

Your right Fred, I've never had any issues with wildlife in  my training areas.  Its like anything , you have to respect the land that you use.   I live in the St. John's area . Unused  farmer fields are good if you get permission.  Those hay stacks are good spots for gunners to hide behind. for training.   i have seen a few hunt tests set up on land like that.   Anyway, I'm still hunting so to speak for those elusive training ducks.  I will let you know if I have any success.  In the meantime bumpers get their use .

check out Nfld classifieds and buy and sell.Usually theres a few there.Theres a few fields around in the Goulds area and once the grass gets too high I have even used Bowring Park.

If I can be of any help let me know.

Thanks Gerald.  I did find those training birds at Canadian Hunting Dogs.  They are being shipped to me frozen as we speak.  The guy turns out to be Omish near Kitchener Waterloo.  I spoke to him.  Very nice guy.  I had family in Kitchener who could pick them up, drop them of to Air Canada . The guy had no way of getting them down.  Anyway, I have birds for the summer to train my 2 dogs .  They are a hybrid bird not for human consumption.   Paid 10.75 for premium birds which are about 22 wks old.  They are better in the water.  Will last longer.   Thought you might want to know.   

 Mary and Gerald sorry I am a little late getting in on this. You can train in Newfoundland with out issue. The regulations say that your dogs has to be under control. You can not run on wild birds during the summer months but I do use pigeons, quail, pheasants, ducks and all are local birds. The pigeons are my own homers. I used to have a training group and we trained two times a week. I have trained dogs while the wildlife officers watched me in the same field. If your dog is under control there is no issue. I use release traps when I train young dogs on planted birds. I too travel to the mainland to test dogs and train dogs professionally . The regulations are a lot different for training then most anywhere and yes they are a pain especially when you need to shoot birds. Up to that point I use a blank gun.

Saw this on nlclassifieds.com  http://www.nlclassifieds.com/classifieds/Agricultural/Animals/672650


I just ordered a Braque du Bourbonnais from the states.  I have been trying to find some info on training pointers without live birds since they are hard to get around here, but have had no success.  Does anyone have any suggestions on books, videos, or any advice from past training experience?



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