
Black Bear Hunting

Members: 68
Latest Activity: Oct 6, 2020

Discussion Forum

Spring bear hunt

Started by Billy Guest. Last reply by Phil Quann May 20, 2014. 4 Replies

Any body pick up a license for the spring hunt? Got mine in the mail the other day..Just waiting now to get a chance to get up to the range and sight in / get some practice with my new rifle.. Hoping…Continue

How to prepare bear pelts for selling?

Started by Sean S. Last reply by tyler pitcher Jun 24, 2013. 1 Reply

Hi All,I've gotten into bear hunting the last few years and I was wondering if anyone has any tips or procedures on how to prepare the pelt for selling (like to North American Fur Auctions, etc.).…Continue

How to make a bear skin rug?

Started by Doug Piercey. Last reply by Kim brinson Nov 25, 2012. 10 Replies

I am a first time bear hunter, and I was just wondering how hard is it to do your own rug? Any tips tricks or instructions, websites I should know?If not, does any one know of a good taxidermist…Continue

Spring Bear hunt

Started by David Apr 25, 2012. 0 Replies

Anyone planing to get there spring bear license this year ? Hoping to get a trip in again this year to Rattling Brook for a bow hunt, with any luck the weather will be better this year then last year…Continue

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Comment by Travis Pelley on October 24, 2011 at 12:57pm
I have this bear around my bait all the time. He keeps setting off my traps over and over, but I can never seem to catch him. Any advice?
Comment by Nicholas Easton on September 12, 2011 at 2:39pm

This depends on what time in the year you are hunting.

For spring hunting i always find a place with dense cover around rivers, ponds and woods roads. This is where the bears are going to be travelling early in spring looking for the first green vegetation to grow. This in there primary food source early in spring. when June rolls around they are going to be moving a lot looking for mates. I place my baits in the thickest cover i can find because the bear will feel very comfortable and come feed on my bait all day long. I find if u place ur bait along the side of a cut over or bog they wont come in until last light. Personally i like thick stands of large spruce with mossy ground, i find the bears will live rite at the bait site only leaving when i come to place bait. The most important thing about getting bears to initially hit ur bait is to make as big a stink as u can possibly make. I find rotting fish does a good job of this.


In the Fall find the berries find the bears. look for areas with lots of blueberries and partridge berries and ull find bear sigh. Tuck a bait away in this area and they will come. like i said earlier thick shady woods where the bear will feel comfortable all day. only thing is fall hunting is harder to keep them coming consistently because they have so much other food to be eating. 

hope this helps!!! 

Comment by Travis Pelley on September 10, 2011 at 11:42pm
Anyone have any advice as to where some good places to set my bear bait. Like habitat, deep in the woods, in a clearing? What are some good places that are more likely to get hit?
Comment by John Smallwood on August 18, 2011 at 9:37pm

I havent baited in a few years but found take out grease to be all you needed...they will drink the whole bucket so try to be creative in ways to make it last


Comment by Travis Pelley on August 18, 2011 at 8:34pm
Thanks for the advice John. Like Pierce, I'm new to bear hunting, and really appreciate the advice.
Comment by Travis Pelley on August 17, 2011 at 8:49pm
Has anyone tried using Black Bear attractor scents, like Huntmaster Black Bear Sow in Heat Urine?
Comment by Pierce Rumbolt on June 17, 2011 at 6:53pm

New to Bear hunting, any tips would greatly be appreciated.

Did some scouting around, but never seen a sign, not good, lol.



Comment by Shane Pinsent on February 15, 2011 at 5:42pm
Spring bear 2010. Missed first shot, but came back and smelled the arrow...did't miss the second chance.
Comment by Edward Smith on November 3, 2010 at 9:41pm
Great Bruin!
Comment by Jason Gillingham on November 3, 2010 at 9:10pm
This is the bear I got this year oct. 28. Please don't pay any attention to the date on the picture I did'nt realize it was'nt set. I think it must of been in hibernation a few years.


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