
Goose Hunting

Members: 56
Latest Activity: Feb 12, 2018

Discussion Forum

Goose/Duck Hunting - North-East Avalon

Started by Sean S Sep 15, 2012. 0 Replies

Hi,Anyone know any areas around the north-east Avalon where you can go goose and duck hunting without the use of a boat? I'm new to the Avalon area and to goose/duck hunting so I'm looking for any…Continue

Goose Hunting in Central Newfoundland

Started by Ian Meade Sep 5, 2012. 0 Replies

Just looking for some info on some good areas around Grand Falls where I can get a shot at some geese and ducks----any suggestions Continue

Goose Hunting Buddy Wanted

Started by Tony Gabriel. Last reply by Tony Gabriel Dec 7, 2011. 1 Reply

Hi, anyone on the west coast want to go goose hunting but don't have any gear. I got 20 FB decoys, 38 shells,a bunch of goose floaters & lots of duck decoys. Got goose flag, calls, 1 layout…Continue

Who says you can't creep on geese (published on behalf of Albert Linegar)

Started by Edward Smith. Last reply by Craig Delahunty Sep 13, 2010. 3 Replies

When I first crept on those geese there were 8 of them there, along with three black ducks,piece a cake. Problem was they were on one side and I was on the other. Luckily, the wind was in my favor,…Continue

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Comment by Fred Woodman on August 22, 2010 at 10:16pm
I think you should recheck the closing dates for ducks/geese. In recent history it has closed on the last Saturday in December.
Comment by Peter Emberley on August 22, 2010 at 9:19pm
Hunting Migratory Birds in Newfoundland and Labrador (Small Game Hunting)

There are about 20 different migratory game birds found in Newfoundland and Labrador. In general, they fall into three game species: ducks, geese, and snipe. The ducks include mergansers, oldsquaw, eiders, and scoters. The snipe is the common snipe, and the geese are some of the subpopulations of Canada goose. There's a smaller than usual bag limit on the American black duck, whose population has increased since 1995, but is still on the 'concern' list. Further information on waterfowl populations and migratory bird regulations is available from the Canadian Wildlife Service website. CWS is responsible for migratory game birds in Canada. Open season dates for migratory game birds in Newfoundland run from the 3rd Saturday in September to the 2nd Saturday in December. In Labrador, the season starts a week earlier and ends either the 2nd or 3rd Saturday in December, according to the management zone. Some outfitters offer waterfowl hunting as an add-on to their main package. Detailed information is available from the Inland Fish & Wildlife Division (See Useful Contacts section in Things you need to know). Hunters are asked to return any migratory bird tags they collect by calling 800-327-2263. Non-toxic shot is mandatory for all hunting except turrs.
Comment by Peter Emberley on May 27, 2010 at 8:56pm
I was out the Burin Pen. way this past weekend and seen geese twice. Pete and myself went for a run on the bikes and heard some calling but couldn't see them. Seen lots of ducks in the ponds as well.
Comment by Stephen Way on May 21, 2010 at 2:56pm
Saw a few more geese this year and managed to shoot a few even tho I wasn`t really set for them.
Looks like a good return this spring too.
Comment by Rich Reeves on February 23, 2010 at 3:28pm
Lots up around the upper Humber River, planning a few trips this season for sure. Boat and motor is a must in this area.
Comment by mike norman on February 22, 2010 at 11:29pm
seen two flocks this year one had 9 and the other had 14 but there still flying lol
Comment by Edward Smith on February 22, 2010 at 10:29pm
Only saw one flock of 14 this year and they were flying at mock 3 way above our heads. would have needed a Ballistic misile to hit them, LOL.
Comment by Peter Emberley on February 22, 2010 at 9:56pm
Wish I'd would have had my new semi earlier in the season.
Comment by jamie quilty on February 22, 2010 at 9:38pm
there was alot of geese this year. we had a good hunt this year
Comment by Peter Emberley on December 29, 2009 at 8:50pm
Seen a nice lot of geese but the 2 3/4 winchester couldn't do the job. Have a new 3.5" semi now this should help.

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