Hi Folks,
If anyone would like to attend a waterfowl calling seminar, whether you would like to share your calling experience or learn. Could you please enter your name on the the list.
I, myself am no pro caller, but Ed & myself would certainly share any information that we have to help you become a better caller. If we get enough interest we will schedule the seminar.
Added by Peter Emberley on September 30, 2011 at 12:47am — 5 Comments
Ed & myself were talking to the boys from Inland Fish & Game (wildlife officers). They have informed us that they are giving warnings to anyone hunting in Third Pond. The reason- The Race Track has been deemed, an athletic field. This means you have to be 1000 meters from the race track to…
ContinueAdded by Peter Emberley on September 18, 2011 at 12:00pm — 7 Comments
Someone is selling lemon beagle pups in Shearstown. The pups are in poor health. One of the common problems is hip dysplasia. I'm not sure who the seller is. One of our own has a dog from this guy and the vet told him, it's from over breeding or the mother was in poor health her self.
Added by Peter Emberley on September 15, 2011 at 2:46pm — 1 Comment
Blue Water Marine & Equipment Ltd.
16 Allston Street
Kenmount Road Business Park
Mount Pearl, NL A1N 0A4
Tel: (709) 782-3200
© 2025 Created by Edward Smith.
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