We are looking to buy a coyote rifle. We are wondering what one is best, 223 or a 22-250?

 Does the 223 bullet drop more than the 22-250 at say, 200 or 300 yards?

 Anyone have any brand perference, Savage, Remimgton etc? Any know problems or things to look out for?

 Please let us know the benefit of your experience?

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no worries with your 223 at ranges well beyond 200. Just take the time to sight in properly and practice at some longer ranges. For most the limiting factor for longer ranges is not the gun.

i got a 22-250 bought , can t have it till after christmas though , but i was wondering what ammo you use , i figured it would fit in this discussion

Try different brands and different weight of bullets you will find that your gun might like one kind more then the other for accuracy, depends on the gun. Not every gun is the same.

I use a 55gr. hornaby shell, but if you usethoses shell's to sight in your 22-250 with use the same ones all the time :) I have a savage edge

I use a remington 700 SPS .223 , it is a deadly weapon. I am upset that I cannot legally hunt caribou on the island with this weapon as I personally believe it is adequate for the task.

For Coyotes, I'd go .223

I use federal ammunition for sighting it in but I prefer remi rounds for kill time.


I have a 22-250 savage XP camo with scope and bi-pod. I love this gun and it was not a bad price from coastal marine.

hey kenneth, what kind of bi-pod do you have  and would you reccomend it ! i was looking ar the bog gear shooting sticks at costal  pretty expensive though , also is it ok to sight your gun in with  diff round then youll be hunting with as long as its game grain ? 

Well i don't know the name of my bi-pod, i can tell you that it is 36" long and it tiles from side to side. I like that for all the ground is not level on this rock. Still ran me $80.00. As for useing diff amo, i would not use it. Try to stay in the same range that you sighted your gun in. I tryed useing same grain but diff rounds and they are not even close. Some drops like 3-4" on 200 yards and some rize on the same shot. Hope this helps.

I use a Cabelas tripod. It was on sale for $40, Cabelas US.

you will have to resight for whatever ammo you plan to hunt with. 

yeah thanks!



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