Started this discussion. Last reply by Kevin Dec 21, 2017. 3 Replies 0 Likes
Sad but true my old dog is going to have to be put down in the next little while so I thought I would ask the question while I am not too emotional about it..... how much do it cost to have a vet…Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by Peter Emberley Sep 13, 2017. 9 Replies 2 Likes
Anybody notice anything about moose tags. My buddy gets a tag in St. John's pool 6. My self in pool 4 did not get a tag for MMA 25 Bai Des'poir. I think it is pretty clear there is a cull going…Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by Peter Emberley Mar 28, 2017. 1 Reply 0 Likes
I know this is a bit early to be asking but I am trying to make some long range plans. Does anyone remember when the moose tag results get posted? Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by Peter Emberley Feb 23, 2017. 2 Replies 1 Like
Anybody know a safe way to charge a cell phone at the cabin off of a generator? Continue
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16 Allston Street
Kenmount Road Business Park
Mount Pearl, NL A1N 0A4
Tel: (709) 782-3200
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Our response is that we have formed this group with our own money and incorporated it so that there is a voice to address this silence . I suggest that you read the info that was suggested in my original post .
Hi Kevin.
In response to your reply, here is something to think about. In the 2011/12 moose hunting season there was an increase of 5,020 [ Five thousand twenty ] in the number of licences issued over and above the 2010/2011 season Quota , in response to concern involving moose/ vehicle Collisions [ "not accidents" there is a difference. There was a decrease of 630 in the 2012/13 season and a further reduction of 1500 for this coming season. The moose population was in decline before the increase and yet Eugene Nippard of SOPAC is up in arms because of the 1500 licence reduction . He fails to mention that the quota is still 2890 [ two thousand eight hundred ninety] over and above the 2010/11 season which was already in decline .This decline was observed by myself and numerous other hunters and outfitters right across the island who spend a great deal of time in the woods. Yet the response to this slaughter, by groups,such as the one you say you have recently joined is . to this day "" zero"". You have an opportunity to be a part of a " Voice " that will deal with this and many other issues that plague outdoor lovers, such as ourselves , or to be a part of the " silence ". In the end THE CHOICE IS YOURS .
Welcome to the site Kevin . You might want to take a look at the newly formed "Federation of Hunters & Anglers, Inc. Details on bottom left of home page here,we need members. Have fun.
Kevin I am not sure how this friends thing works as I have not used it before so if you want you can just email me k.dinn@nf.sympatico
Also you can take a look at my website